
Berikut merupakan daftar E-Book yang dimiliki perpustakaan BK FIP UNNES. Bagi mahasiswa yang ingin memilikinya, dapat menghubungi admin perpustakaan secara langsung.


Acceptance and commitment therapy an experiential approach to behavior change
Acceptance and mindfulness in cognitive behavior therapy understanding and applying the new therapies
Attitudes and attitude change (frontiers of social psychology)
Attitudes personality and behavior


Becoming a helper
Becoming a multiple intelligence
Behavioral and emotional disorders in adolescents
Bringing new era in character education


Career development and counseling – putting theory and research to work
Children’s folklore a handbook
Contemporary social psychological theories
Counseling and psychotherapy theories in context and practice skills, strategies, and techniques
Counseling multicultural and diverse population
Counseling the culturally diverse theory and practice
Counseling troubled boys
Critical reflections on career education and guidance


Designing educational video and multimedia for open and distance learning


Educating counseling and healing with nature
Education in the era of globalization philosophy and education
Educational media & technology
Educational psychology
Educational psychology – understanding students thinking
Emotionally intelligent school counseling
Encyclopedia of counseling
Essentials of assessment with brief intelligence tests


Film folklore and urban legends
Finding meaning in life at midlife and beyond wisdom and spirit from logotherapy (social and psychological issues challenges and solutions)
Frames of mind—the theory of multiple intelligences


Globalization of  education an introduction sociocultural political and historical studies in education
Group counseling concepts and procedures
Group counseling strategies and skills


Halal dan haram dalam islam
Handbook for mental health professionals.
Handbook multicultural assessment
Handbook of counseling psychology
Handbook of moral and character education
Handbook of motivational counseling concepts approaches and assessment
Handbook of multicultural counseling competencies
Handbook of psychological and educational assessment of children intelligence aptitude and achievement
Healing stories for kids and teens using metaphors in therapy


Identifying assessing and treating conduct disorder at school developmental psychopathology at school
Intelligence and personality bridging the gap in theory and measurement
Intentional interviewing and counseling facilitating client development in a multicultural society
Introduction to counseling and psychotherapy
Introduction to multicultural counseling for helping professionals
Introduction to psychology gateways to mind and behavior
IQ and psychometric tests assess your personality aptitude and intelligence
Issues and ethics in the helping professions


Learning disabilities new research
Learning in the global era international perspectives on globalization and education
Life-span development
Life-span human development


Multiple intelligences in the classroom


Online Counseling 2nd ed. A Handbook for Mental Health Professionals


Principles and applications of assessment in counseling


Qualitatif research in postmodern time – contemporary qualitatif research


Religious and spiritual issues in counseling
Research design and statistical analysis
Research design in counseling
Research methods in education


Slow learner early stories
Social work case management
Storytelling in emergent literacy fostering multiple intelligences
Summary of the islamic fiqh tuwajre


Teaching character education through literature
Teknologi informasi dan perguruan tinggi menjawab tantangan pendidikan abad ke 21
The counselling approach to career guidance
The multiple intelligences of reading and writing making the words come alive
The skilled helper a problem management and opportunity development approach to helping
Theoretical models of counseling and psychotherapy
Theory and practic of social casework
Theory and practice group counseling ed 8
Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy
Theory of psychotherapy and counseling
Treating child and adolescent aggression through bibliotherapy
Treatment of borderline personality disorder a guide to evidence based practice


Understanding career counselling
Understanding sensory dysfunction
Using superheroes in counseling and play therapy
Using video in teacher education


Video production handbook
Video use in higher education

What is social casework