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  • Titin Fitriyani wrote a new post on the site Nyantai Yuk 8 years, 9 months ago

    JAKARTA – Ajakan solidaritas untuk para korban kabut asap di sejumlah wilayah di Indonesia dengan mengenakan masker didengungkan di sejumlah media sosial. Tagar #MelawanAsap diusung sebagai wujud solidaritas b […]

  • Ahmad Aya Sanusi wrote a new post on the site Nanoscience 8 years, 9 months ago

    In two new studies, researchers from across the country spearheaded by Duke University faculty have begun to design the framework on which to build the emerging field of nanoinformatics.

    Nanoinformatics […]

  • Ahmad Aya Sanusi wrote a new post on the site Nanoscience 8 years, 9 months ago

    Imagine staying dry underwater for months. Now Northwestern University engineers have examined a wide variety of surfaces that can do just that — and, better yet, they know why.

    The research team is the […]

  • Ahmad Aya Sanusi wrote a new post on the site Nanoscience 8 years, 9 months ago

    For the first time ever, researchers have succeeded in creating arrangements of colloids — tiny particles suspended in a solution — and, importantly, they have managed to control their motion with high […]

  • Ahmad Aya Sanusi wrote a new post on the site Nanoscience 8 years, 9 months ago

    We’ve all seen dewdrops form on spider webs. But what if they flung themselves off of the strands instead?

    Researchers at Duke University and the University of British Columbia have now observed this […]