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  • Ahmad Aya Sanusi wrote a new post on the site Nanoscience 8 years, 9 months ago

    Easily manufactured, low cost, lightweight, flexible dielectric polymers that can operate at high temperatures may be the solution to energy storage and power conversion in electric vehicles and other high […]

  • suprianto wrote a new post on the site All Of Life 8 years, 9 months ago

    Proses penginderaan sensor kecepatan merupakan proses kebalikan dari suatu motor, dimana suatu poros/object yang berputar pada suatui generator akan menghasilkan suatu tegangan yang sebanding dengan kecepatan […]

  • Ahmad Aya Sanusi wrote a new post on the site Nanoscience 8 years, 9 months ago

    An international team of physicists has used carbon nanotubes to enhance the efficiency of laser-driven particle acceleration. This significant advance brings compact sources of ionizing radiation for medical […]

  • Ahmad Aya Sanusi wrote a new post on the site Nanoscience 8 years, 9 months ago

    If you want to form very flexible chains of nanoparticles in liquid in order to build tiny robots with flexible joints or make magnetically self-healing gels, you need to revert to childhood and think about […]

  • Ahmad Aya Sanusi wrote a new post on the site Nanoscience 8 years, 9 months ago

    One big problem faced by electrodes in rechargeable batteries, as they go through repeated cycles of charging and discharging, is that they must expand and shrink during each cycle — sometimes doubling in […]