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  • suprianto wrote a new post on the site All Of Life 8 years, 9 months ago

    Sesuai dengan judulnya, amplifier ini cukup simpel dirangkai dan dapat diaktifkan hanya menggunakan baterai 6 – 12 volt. Komponen utama dari rangkaian ini adalah IC penguat LM386.


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  • suprianto wrote a new post on the site All Of Life 8 years, 9 months ago

    Relay merupakan sebuah sakelar magnetik yang biasanya menggunakan medan magnet dan sebuah kumparan untuk membuka atau menutup satu atau beberapa kontak sakelar pada saat relay dialiri arus. Pada dasarnya relay […]

  • Ahmad Aya Sanusi wrote a new post on the site Nanoscience 8 years, 9 months ago

    A team of researchers from Berkeley Lab and Columbia University has passed a major milestone in molecular electronics with the creation of the world’s highest-performance single-molecule diode. Working at […]

  • Ahmad Aya Sanusi wrote a new post on the site Nanoscience 8 years, 9 months ago

    While lasers were invented in 1960 and are commonly used in many applications, one characteristic of the technology has proven unattainable. No one has been able to create a laser that beams white […]

  • Ahmad Aya Sanusi wrote a new post on the site Nanoscience 8 years, 9 months ago

    The term “plasmons” might sound like something from the soon-to-be-released new Star Wars movie, but the effects of plasmons have been known about for centuries. Plasmons are collective oscillations of […]