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  • Ahmad Aya Sanusi wrote a new post on the site Nanoscience 8 years, 9 months ago

    It’s snack time: you have a plain oatmeal cookie, and a pile of chocolate chips. Both are delicious on their own, but if you can find a way to combine them smoothly, you get the best of both […]

  • Ahmad Aya Sanusi wrote a new post on the site Nanoscience 8 years, 9 months ago

    GW researcher and dermatologist, Adam Friedman, M.D., and colleagues, find that the release of nitric oxide over time may be a new way to treat and prevent acne through nanotechnology. This research, published in […]

  • Ahmad Aya Sanusi wrote a new post on the site Nanoscience 8 years, 9 months ago

    Three-dimensional structures of boron nitride might be the right stuff to keep small electronics cool, according to scientists at Rice University.

    Rice researchers Rouzbeh Shahsavari and Navid Sakhavand […]

  • Tyo wrote a new post on the site Hidup Sehat 8 years, 9 months ago

    Secara umum tekanan darah rendah bukanlah merupakan penyakit. Orang yang mempunyai tekanan darah rendah tidak akan mengakibatkan umurnya lebih pendek. Bahkan orang yang mempunyai tekanan darah rendah akan […]

  • Ahmad Aya Sanusi wrote a new post on the site Nanoscience 8 years, 9 months ago

    Millimetre-sized crystals of high-quality graphene can be made in minutes instead of hours using a new scalable technique, Oxford University researchers have demonstrated.

    In just 15 minutes the method can […]