Post thumbnail of Physicists catch a magnetic wave that offers promise for more energy-efficient computing
14 October 2015
Continue reading Physicists catch a magnetic wave that offers promise for more energy-efficient computing

Physicists catch a magnetic wave that offers promise for more energy-efficient computing

A team of physicists has taken pictures of a theorized but previously undetected magnetic wave, the discovery of which offers the potential to be an energy-efficient means to transfer data in consumer electronics.

Post thumbnail of Crowd computing to improve water filtration: The research was conducted by 150,000 volunteers
12 October 2015
Continue reading Crowd computing to improve water filtration: The research was conducted by 150,000 volunteers

Crowd computing to improve water filtration: The research was conducted by 150,000 volunteers

Scientists propose a novel nanotechnology-based strategy to improve water filtration. The project was an experiment in crowdsourced computing — carried out by over 150,000 volunteers who contributed their own computing power to the research.