Post thumbnail of 3-D potential through laser annihilation
17 October 2015
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3-D potential through laser annihilation

Understanding the effects that ultra-intense x-ray pulses will have on their potential targets is being studied by various research teams.

Post thumbnail of Sweeping lasers snap together nanoscale geometric grids: New technique creates multi-layered, self-assembled grids with fully customizable shapes and compositions
14 October 2015
Continue reading Sweeping lasers snap together nanoscale geometric grids: New technique creates multi-layered, self-assembled grids with fully customizable shapes and compositions

Sweeping lasers snap together nanoscale geometric grids: New technique creates multi-layered, self-assembled grids with fully customizable shapes and compositions

Scientists have developed a new technique to rapidly create multi-layered, self-assembled grids could transform the manufacture of high-tech coatings for anti-reflective surfaces, improved solar cells, and touchscreen electronics

Post thumbnail of Making new materials with micro-explosions: Scientists have made exotic new materials by creating laser-induced micro-explosions in silicon
14 October 2015
Continue reading Making new materials with micro-explosions: Scientists have made exotic new materials by creating laser-induced micro-explosions in silicon

Making new materials with micro-explosions: Scientists have made exotic new materials by creating laser-induced micro-explosions in silicon

Scientists have made exotic new materials by creating laser-induced micro-explosions in silicon, the common computer chip material.

Post thumbnail of Laser-burned graphene gains metallic powers: Scientists find possible replacement for platinum as catalyst
13 October 2015
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Laser-burned graphene gains metallic powers: Scientists find possible replacement for platinum as catalyst

Chemists embed metallic nanoparticles into laser-induced graphene, turning it into a useful catalyst for fuel cell and other applications.

Post thumbnail of Focused laser power boosts ion acceleration
13 October 2015
Continue reading Focused laser power boosts ion acceleration

Focused laser power boosts ion acceleration

An international team of physicists has used carbon nanotubes to enhance the efficiency of laser-driven particle acceleration. This significant advance brings compact sources of ionizing radiation for medical purposes closer to reality.

Post thumbnail of World’s first white lasers demonstrated: More luminous, energy efficient than LEDs, white lasers look to be the future in lighting and Li-Fi, or light-based wireless communication
13 October 2015
Continue reading World’s first white lasers demonstrated: More luminous, energy efficient than LEDs, white lasers look to be the future in lighting and Li-Fi, or light-based wireless communication

World’s first white lasers demonstrated: More luminous, energy efficient than LEDs, white lasers look to be the future in lighting and Li-Fi, or light-based wireless communication

Semiconductor lasers are capable of emitting over the full visible color spectrum, which is necessary to produce a white laser, researchers have demonstrated. The technological advance puts lasers one step closer to being a mainstream light source and potential replacement or alternative to light emitting diodes (LEDs). Lasers are brighter, more energy efficient, and can potentially provide more accurate and vivid colors for displays like computer screens and televisions.