Post thumbnail of New research may enhance display, LED lighting technology: Large-area integration of quantum dots, photonic crystals produce brighter and more efficient light
13 October 2015
Continue reading New research may enhance display, LED lighting technology: Large-area integration of quantum dots, photonic crystals produce brighter and more efficient light

New research may enhance display, LED lighting technology: Large-area integration of quantum dots, photonic crystals produce brighter and more efficient light

A new method to extract more efficient and polarized light from quantum dots (QDs) over a large-scale area has been developed by researchers. Their method, which combines QD and photonic crystal technology, could lead to brighter and more efficient mobile phone, tablet, and computer displays, as well as enhanced LED lighting.

Post thumbnail of Nanoscale light-emitting device has big profile
12 October 2015
Continue reading Nanoscale light-emitting device has big profile

Nanoscale light-emitting device has big profile

Engineers have created a nanoscale device that can emit light as powerfully as an object 10,000 times its size. It’s an advance that could have huge implications for everything from photography to solar power.