Post thumbnail of Better together: Graphene-nanotube hybrid switches
13 October 2015
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Better together: Graphene-nanotube hybrid switches

Researchers have combined two unlikely materials to make a digital switch that could improve high speed computing.

Post thumbnail of Short wavelength plasmons observed in nanotubes: Berkeley Lab researchers create Ludinger liquid plasmons in metallic SWNTs
13 October 2015
Continue reading Short wavelength plasmons observed in nanotubes: Berkeley Lab researchers create Ludinger liquid plasmons in metallic SWNTs

Short wavelength plasmons observed in nanotubes: Berkeley Lab researchers create Ludinger liquid plasmons in metallic SWNTs

Researchers have observed ‘Luttinger-liquid’ plasmons in metallic single-walled nanotubes. This holds great promise for novel plasmonic and nanophotonic devices over a broad frequency range, including telecom wavelengths.

Post thumbnail of Discovery of nanotubes offers new clues about cell-to-cell communication
12 October 2015
Continue reading Discovery of nanotubes offers new clues about cell-to-cell communication

Discovery of nanotubes offers new clues about cell-to-cell communication

When it comes to communicating with each other, some cells may be more “old school” than was previously thought. Certain types of stem cells use microscopic, threadlike nanotubes to communicate with neighboring cells, like a landline phone connection, rather than sending a broadcast signal.

Post thumbnail of Researchers attach Lyme disease antibodies to nanotubes, paving way for diagnostic device
12 October 2015
Continue reading Researchers attach Lyme disease antibodies to nanotubes, paving way for diagnostic device

Researchers attach Lyme disease antibodies to nanotubes, paving way for diagnostic device

Existing Lyme disease tests assess the presence of antibodies, which take weeks to form after the initial infection and persist after the infection is gone. Now, a nanotechnology-inspired technique may lead to diagnostics that can detect the organism itself.