A new book of MathCityMap is published by Springer

A new book on @mathcitymap is published by Springer International Publishing. This brief presents the results of a study on the development of the mobile app-supported math trail program for learning mathematics. This study is a part of the MathCityMap-Project,…

Era Digital, Guru Matematika Dituntut Beradaptasi

SEMARANG, suaramerdeka.com – Pengajar maupun calon guru bidang matematika dituntut mampu beradaptasi dengan perubahan dalam era digital saat ini. Sebab, ilmu matematika yang merupakan salah satu fondasi kemajuan, jika pengampunya tidak menyesuaikan dengan era teknologi digital akan sulit diterima anak didik…


Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan – This research is a development research which aims to develop a training model which is able to improve mathematics teachers’ competence and character. This research was implemented into two year phase. The first year focused on…