Chemists have figured out how to synthesize nanomaterials with stainless steel-like interfaces. Their discovery may change how the form and structure of nanomaterials are manipulated, particularly those used for gas storage, heterogeneous catalysis and lithium-ion batteries.
The atoms that make up metallic glasses lack the orderly lattice structure present in most other crystalline solids. Researchers have now shown that within randomly packed clusters of atoms, a fractal pattern emerges at the scale of two atomic diameters.
Physicists unveil a project known as Gecko Hamaker, a new computational and modeling software tool plus an open science database to aid those who design nano-scale materials.
Chemists have used DNA molecules to developed rapid, inexpensive medical diagnostic tests that take only a few minutes to perform. Their findings may aid efforts to build point-of-care devices for quick medical diagnosis of various diseases ranging from cancer to allergies, autoimmune diseases, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and many others. The new technology may also drastically impact global health, due to its low cost and easiness of use, according to the research team. The rapid and easy-to-use diagnostic tests are made of DNA and use one of the simplest force in chemistry, steric effects – a repulsion force that arises when atoms are brought too close together – to detect a wide array of protein markers that are linked to various diseases.
Semiconductor nanocrystals, or quantum dots, are tiny, nanometer-sized particles with the ability to absorb light and re-emit it with well-defined colors. With low-cost fabrication, long-term stability and a wide palette of colors, they have become a building blocks of the display technology, improving the image quality of TV-sets, tablets, and mobile phones. Exciting quantum dot applications are also emerging in the fields of green energy, optical sensing, and bio-imaging.
Warm dense matter displays characteristics of all other physical states at the same time, in apparent contradiction. Scientists have now developed a new simulation technique which overcomes the inaccuracies of existing theoretical models in describing this state of matter.
Researchers from North Carolina State University have created the first entropy-stabilized alloy that incorporates oxides — and demonstrated conclusively that the crystalline structure of the material can be determined by disorder at the atomic scale rather than chemical bonding.
“High entropy materials research has been a hot field since 2007, but …
Peneliti Universitas Rice mendemontrasikan cara baru yang efisien untuk menangkap energi dari sinar matahari dan mengubahnya menjadi energi yang terbarukan dengan cara membelah molekul air.Credit: I. Thomann/Rice University
Peneliti Universitas Rice mendemontrasikan cara baru yang efisien untuk menangkap energi dari sinar matahari dan mengubahnya menjadi energi yang terbarukan dengan cara membelah …
Digunakan oleh alam selama milyaran tahun, fotosintesis telah memberikan kehidupan bagi planet ini, memberikan lingkungan yang sesuai untuk organisme paling sederhana hingga kita, manusia.
Meskipun para peneliti telah meneliti dan meniru fenomena natural ini dalam laboratorium selama bertahun-tahun, pemahaman akan bagaimana proses kimia yang terjadi dibalik fotosintesis masih menjadi misteri — hingga …
photo credit: Janis Smits/Shutterstock
Memakan es krim yang menetes ditangan saat cuaca panas akan menjadi masa lalu. Peneliti telah mengembangkan sebuah cara untuk membuat es krim tetap membeku untuk waktu yaang lebih lama dalam keadaan panas, membantu tekstur lembutnya tetap terjaga. Produk ini bisa didapatkan secara komersial dalam tiga hingga lima tahun.
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