Cara Mendaftar Kompetisi Blogger Unnes


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Karena terlalu banyak teman-teman yang bertanya tentang cara mendaftar dan mengisi pendaftaran kompetisi blogger Unnes maka Hari ini akan Saya posting tutorial nya


  1. Mahasiswa aktif Unnes
  2. Memiliki Email Students Unnes

Langkah-langkah nya

  1. Mengajukan Email students Unnes di website my unnes

    Tampilan Awal log in

  2. mengisi Form Pengajuan email mahasiswa

    form Pengajuan Email Students di My Unnes

    jangan lupa di akhir klaim Email

  3. Setelah itu akan muncul penampang seperti ini

    login 2

    jika tampilan sudah di approve dan disetujui maka tapilannya seperti ini

  4. Langkah selanjutnya adalah mendaftar di Blog Unnes

    nim masuk blog

    tampilan beranda blog unnes

  5. untuk membuat akun blog unnes maka pilih Create an Account untuk pendaftaran
  6. selanjutnya fill form

    Form Pendaftaran Blog

    Isi form sesuai Perintah yang ada di bawah tiap tiap kolom

  7.  jangan lupa beri contreng pada blog detail dan pilih “yes”
  8. Kemudian Complete Sign Up. pengisian form telah selesai
  9. langkah selanjutnya aktivasi bahwa anda telah mendaftarkan alamat blog anda di Blog unnes dengan membuka email students yang telah diapprove di students
  10. aktivasi akan ada di folder Spam. bukan inbox

    aktivasi spam

    Penampang email Students

I think Thats Enough, Terima kasih

Semoga Bermanfaat 🙂

Google testing a new app for meeting up your friends

Google testing a new app for meeting up your friends

If you’re tired of being by yourself, but don’t know which of your friends are available to hang out with you, Google’s latest app can help you out. Who’s Down, as the company calls it, is an application that helps you easily find out which of your friends are free to meet up. Furthermore, this tool also helps you chat with the ones who might want to spend time with you and put together all the details for your encounter. Who’s Down is free and works on both iOS and Android devices, but you will need to request an invite from within the app in order to actually use it.

The way this works is pretty simple: you install Who’s Down on your device, then use the embedded slider to let your friends know if you’re in the mood to hang out or not. You can also specify what you want to do (such as go to have dinner, go to the gym, watch a movie, go for a walk in the park, etc.) and then see which of your buddies are available. Once you found someone to accompany you, the app will also allow you to chat with that person and set things up. Basically, this tool is all about tracking availability, an area that not many other applications fully cover.

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