Zorin OS

A more powerful desktop

The Zorin OS operating system gives you the ultimate desktop experience. Some of the advantages of Zorin OS:

  • No risk of getting viruses
  • It’s super-fast and light on resources
  • An easy to use and familiar desktop
  • Customizable user interface thanks to our Look Changer
  • Stable as it is based on the robust Linux operating system
  • All the software you’ll ever need out of the box
  • Extremely versatile and customizable Open Source software
  • Open Source software licensed by the GNU GPL

Top-notch security

People are in constant fear of viruses and malware in this digital world. Thanks to Zorin OS’s immunity to Windows viruses you will never have to worry about them. Zorin OS also comes with integrated firewall software to keep your system extra safe. When a potential security threat arises, software updates usually come within a matter of hours through the Update Manager. With Zorin OS you are sure to have peace of mind.

Easy to use, familiar desktop

The main goal of Zorin OS is to give new users easy access to Linux. That is why Zorin OS incorporates the familiar Windows 7-like interface by default to dramatically reduce the learning curve of this system while still experiencing the main advantages of Linux. You can also utilise the desktop with other interfaces. This is thanks to the exclusive Zorin Look Changer which lets you change your desktop to look and act like either Windows 7, Windows XP or GNOME 2 in the free versions of Zorin OS. The Premium editions also include the Windows 2000, Unity and Mac OS X looks.

Out-of-the-box software solution

Zorin OS is packed with software, ready for you to take advantage of. From the versatile LibreOffice suite to the feature-packed OpenShot video editor, it’s got it all. Zorin OS is sure to facilitate all of your everyday tasks such as web browsing, document creation, social networking, making videos, chatting with your friends and beyond, all without having to install anything.
We have even split up Zorin OS into different versions to facilitate the requirements of every kind of user with additional software. Those editions include the free Core edition for general use, Lite for use on old and low-spec computers, Educational for use in schools and universities, Business for corporate use and Ultimate which packs the best software Linux has to offer.

Software Galore

If the pre-installed software isn’t enough for your requirements, there is no need to worry about it. Zorin OS comes with the Software Center which allows you to download and install tens of thousands of free and paid-for programs. All you have to do is open the Software Center from the start menu, find a program which you want and click Install. You can even install Windows programs on Zorin OS in a similar way with PlayOnLinux. You are also able to download installable packages (.deb and .exe) like in your current operating system.


Nearly every file that you use with your current operating system will work perfectly in Zorin OS with no need for additional setup. All your office documents, music, videos, pictures etc. will work out of the box in Zorin OS. Zorin OS also supports a large library of devices such as printers, scanners, cameras, keyboards. These devices will work as soon as you plug them in without the need for installing additional drivers. You can even use Windows programs and games inside Zorin OS thanks to the included WINE and PlayOnLinux software.


Zorin OS gives you more flexibility. It allows you to use Zorin OS alongside your current operating system. While you install Zorin OS to your computer you have the option to keep your current operating system alongside Zorin OS and choose which one to load on start-up.


We want to make computers usable by everyone including disabled people so we have included tools in Zorin OS which make it one of the most accessible operating systems around. It includes such helpful tools as a text to speech program, Orca Screen Reader, a screen magnifier for the visually impaired and a dwell click feature for pressing a mouse button automatically

Source : https://zorinos.com/tour.html

Membuat Database dengan Xammp

Masih berada di seri artikel Cara Membuat Website. Setelah kita belajar cara menginstal XAMPP dan menjalankannya, sekarang saatnya kita belajar bagaimana membuat database di XAMPP dan cara install WordPress di localhost. Artinya kita menginstal WordPress di komputer kita sendiri atau menginstal WordPress secara offline.

Diasumsikan Anda sudah bisa menjalankan aplikasi XAMPP. Sehingga sekarang komputer Anda sudah bisa dijadikan server. Oia, jangan lupa untuk memastikan bahwa aplikasi XAMPP bisa berjalan dengan baik ya. Cek kembali dengan mengetik https://localhost/xampp di browser, lalu cek status. Detilnya bisa dilihat pada gambar di bawah ini.

Membuat Database dan User di XAMPP

Sebelum kita menginstal WordPress, kita harus membuat database dan user terlebih dahulu. Ini harus kita lakukan karena WordPress merupakan aplikasi website yang membutuhkan database untuk menyimpan data-data yang kita gunakan.

  1. Pertama-tama kita harus masuk ke phpmyadmin di XAMPP. Ketik di browser alamat https://localhost/phpmyadmin sehingga muncul tampilan seperti ini..
    membuat database di xampp, phpmyadmin, xampp
  2. Pada menu Database, silahkan masukkan nama database yang diinginkan, kemudian klik Create. Ingat-ingat nama database tersebut ya, karena kita akan menggunakannya nanti. Jika perlu, tuliskan di aplikasi notepad supaya mudah bagi kita untuk mengingatnya.
    buat database di xampp, membuat database
    NB: Di sini saya menggunakan nama database “blogku“.
  3. Sekarang saatnya kita menambahkan nama user untuk database yang baru saja kita buat. Silahkan masuk ke database yang sudah dibuat, Anda bisa menemukannya di bagian sebelah kiri. Begitu masuk, lihat menu Privileges. Kemudian klik Add user.
    menambah user database di xampp
  4. Begitu Anda klik Add User maka akan muncul form pembuatan user baru. Isikan username, Anda bisa mengisikannya dengan nama apapun teserah Anda, yang penting Anda hafal. Kemudian isikan juga host, gunakan use text field saja, lalu isikan dengan localhost. Selanjutnya isikan password 2 kali dan harus sama. Terakhir, centang grant all privileges on database.
    form tambah user di phpmyadmin xampp, membuat database xampp
  5. Eits, tunggu dulu, belum selesai. Scroll ke bawah, dan Anda akan menemukan opsi Global Privileges guna memberikan hak akses kepada user untuk mengelola semua database, klik Check All saja. Setelah itu, pencet tombol Add User.
    check privileges phpmyadmin xampp, membuat database xampp

Ya, langkah membuat database dengan XAMPP dan user di phpmyadmin sudah selesai. Secara default, aplikasi XAMPP mempunyai default user bernama “root” dan tanpa password. Jika kita hendak menggunakan user tersebut juga tidak masalah. Namun ada baiknya kita gunakan user sendiri.

Nah, untuk ilustrasi bagaimana menginstal WordPress di localhost, silahkan baca panduan cara install WordPress di localhost menggunakan XAMPP yang akan saya bahas di postingan lainnya.

Semoga bermanfaat.
