Keyboard Shortcut

By using some simple keyboard shortcuts you can learn how to work much faster. For instance, if you are writing a text and have to do something with the mouse – perhaps there is a keyboard command that can perform the same thing? Using that keyboard command, your hands don’t have to leave the keyboard. In the long run, this will save you a lot of time.

The Keys

Below is a list of the most important keys on your Mac’s keyboard. They may vary a little depending on which Mac you have.

The most important keys of an Apple Keyboard

The top 5

The best keyboard commands of Mac OS X:

1. Application switching

If you press command-tab, a window containing all open application will appear. Keep command pressed down and press the tab key repeatedly to browse between the applications and when the right one is selected, release the keys and the application will appear in front of the others. Timesaving!

Pressing command-tab will produce an overview of the open applications.

2. Quitting applications

To close an application simply press command-q and the application will quit immediately. Much faster than using the mouse.

3. Closing windows

If you wish to close your current window, press command-w. Please notice that this will not cause the whole application to quit, just the active window. Most applications can be open without having an open window, like Safari for instance. To close the whole application, press command-q.Continue reading

System Preferens

With Mac OS X, it is easy to customize your computer. Just click the System Preferences icon in the dock and a new window will appear.

When System Preferences has loaded, simply click the preference pane that you think contain the setting that you wish to change.

Search for preferences

If none of the icons listed below match the settings you’re looking for, you can search for it. Apple has programmed the search function to understand some Windows-terms as well.

System Preferences has a search field!

When you perform a search, the most appropriate result will be focused.

Common questions

Instead of rambling on about the contents of every single icon, we have chosen to write this article based on the things you want to change. We simply figured this was the best way for you to find your answers.

How do I change my background image (wallpaper, desktop image)?

Click the “Desktop and screen saver” icon and the settings will appear. This preference pane has two tabs, one for the desktop image and one for the screensaver.

In order to select a new background image, just choose one from the many available. You can add your own by dragging an image onto the preview area or by clicking the “choose picture” button in the desktop image list.Continue reading