Tebing Tinggi Island Riau

tebing tinggi riau

via : Panoramio.com

Pulau Tebingtinggi or literally means high cliff island, is an island in Riau province, which is geographically located at latitude (0.9 degrees) 0° 54′ 0″ North of the Equator and longitude (102.75 degrees) 102° 45′ 0″ East of the Prime Meridian on the Map of the world.

The locations related to Pulau Tebingtinggi are represented by the nearest distances for a beam of light to travel and may not be nearest by road. For example, Pulau Tebingtinggi, is located 11.7 kilometre from Selatpandjang, 11.7 kilometre from Selat Pandjang, 14.8 kilometre from Kampoengdjepoen, 14.8 kilometre from Kampungdjepun and 16.8 kilometre from Lentoek, Indonesia.

Tebingtinggi Island is an area of ??lowland peat land so that the need of clear water is very difficult to get. The main source of water is coming from rainwater.

Source : Indonesia-tourism.com


Main Bangkinan Road City

Main Bangkinan Road City

The main road to Bukittinggi takes through the swamplands covering the lowland of Riau. The land has been cleared and cultivated. Where the peat is thick, pineapple and coconuts grow. Further to the west, the peat gets thinner, making the land suitable for rice cultivation.

Just before reaching Bangkinang town, some 2 kilometers off the main road, is the old Jamik Mosque of Air Tiris. The mosque is more than 100 years old, built in 1901 without using iron nails. Corrugated metal sheets have replaced the original shingled roof. Outside the mosque lies a mysterious stone submerged in a well. The stone resembles the head of a buffalo and is believed to move under its own power. According to an old story, once seven buffaloes were slaughtered. One of the buffalo heads mysteriously disappeared and it is said it turned into the stone.

Source : Indonesia-tourism.com