Balai Adat

ballai adat pekan baru riauMany of Pekanbaru’s buildings, including ones recently constructed, are built in traditional Riau-Malay architectural style. One of these buildings is Balai Adat, or Adat Community House at Diponegoro Street. Decorated with woodcarvings and woven cloth motives, its architecture represents the glory of Riau-Malay culture. Balai Adat has initially been built to accommodate various activities relating to Resam Malayan Riau custom, but now is also the place for various meeting gatherings.

Alam Mayang Fishing

alam mayang ParkAlam Mayang Fishing Park is located at Harapan Raya street km 8 from the centre of Pekanbaru city. Alam Mayang is a recreational and relaxing place, which is frequently visited, mainly by those who have fishing hobby, as there are a number of fishing ponds in this place with various species of fishes in it. It equipped with three pools with 18.560km2 and also has many kind of fishes such as; fresh water crap fish, lemak, nila, patin and sepat siam. Relaxing under the shadiness of the vegetation and a beautiful natural atmosphere is really a very exciting experience.

Today it is frequented especially by those having the hobby of fishing since here there are fishing ponds covering a total area of 18.650 square meters with various kinds of fish inside. Much more fun is certainly to go fishing together with the family