Burn Files to a CD or DVD Using a Mac

It is very easy to burn files to a CD or DVD using a Mac. You just create a burn folder and drag the files to it and that’s it. It’s all very simple.

1. Create a burn folder

The first thing you must do is to create a new burn folder. When in Finder (where you view your files), just select File > New Burn Folder from the top menu.

Create a new burn folder

A new folder will now be created. If you wish to name it, just select it and press enter and you will be able to type a name for it. We choose the name “My Files” for our folder.

A burn folder with the name My Files

2. Add files to the folder

Now, just drag the files you wish to burn to the burn folder. The files will not be moved. Instead, “aliases” of the real files will be created in your burn folder. The aliases are not real files, they just tell the burn folder where to find the original files.

3. Click burn

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PrintScreen In Your Mac

Mac users can easily take a “print screen”, which means saving a copy of what’s on your Mac’s screen at the moment. This copy will be saved as an image on your desktop. It’s a great way of sharing what exactly you’re seeing on your Mac’s screen.

Print Screen of Entire Screen

To take a print screen of the entire screen, press command-shift-3. If the audio is turned up, you will here a camera sound effect. After a second or two, the print screen will be saved on your Mac’s desktop as a PNG file (a popular image format).

Print screen of Mac desktop

Print Screen of Selection

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