Boeing reveals microlattice: a metal so thin that it can sit on the head of a dandelion


Are you a nervous flyer? Do you do everything in your power not to flap your arms uncontrollably to make sure you stay airborne? Well, you might not want to consider that planes of the future could have elements made from microlattice – a metal developed for Boeing that’s 100 times lighter than styrofoam.

That’s also the principle behind microlattice. The titular lattice is made up of a series of hollow nickel tubes, with a wall depth of 100 nanometres. How thin is that in old money? Pluck a hair from your head. Okay, now imagine something 1,000 times thinner than that.

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Browsing Through Files Part 1

This article will help you understand how to browse your files on a Mac. Don’t panic, it’s not very complicated.

Understanding it

Your hard drive contains millions of files. Both your personal files such as documents, photos or music files, but also system files that your Mac needs to operate properly.

If all these files were in the same place, it would be very hard for you to find your stuff, right? It would be one gigantic pile of files. That’s why we have folders. You can think of a folder as a box in which you can put your stuff.

You can even put folders inside other folders. For instance, you could create a folder called “vacation photos” and put it inside a “memories” folder. Neat and tidy, just the way we like it.

Get started

Let’s get started browsing through your files. First, click the “Macintosh HD” icon on your desktop. A new window will appear.

This is called a Finder window.

This is called a Finder window. The Finder window allows you to explore the contents of your hard drive.

The Finder window – how it works

It’s quite easy to understand how to use a finder window. We’ll now explain the most basic things about it.

Resize it!

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