
Cognitive therapy, a system developed by Aaron Beck, stresses the importance of belief systems and thinking in determining behavior and feelings. The focus of cognitive therapy is on understanding distorted beliefs and using techniques to change maladaptive thinking while also incorporating affective and behavioral methods. In the therapeutic process, attention is paid to thoughts that individuals may be unaware of and to important belief systems.

Working collaboratively with clients, cognitive therapists take an educational role, helping clients understand distorted beliefs and suggesting methods for changing these beliefs. In doing so, cognitive therapists may give clients assignments to test out new alternatives to their old ways of solving their problems. As the therapist gathers data to determine therapeutic strategies, clients may be asked to record dysfunctional thoughts and to assess their problems through brief questionnaires developed for a variety of different psychological disorders. In their approach to treatment, cognitive therapists have outlined types of maladaptive thinking and specific treatment strategies for many psychological disturbances, including depression and anxiety disorders.

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