All posts by Sumarsono

Install Unity Tweak Tool on Ubuntu 15.04

Unity Tweak Tool is a customization tool similar with GNOME Tweak. It helps you to customize many things in Unity just by click. We will use it often when we customize our Unity later. It is available on Ubuntu official repository. If you are not using Ubuntu (Unity), then you will never need to install Unity Tweak.

Install from Terminal

  1. sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool


Install from GUI

Open Ubuntu Software Center > search for unity tweak > press Install.

Install Aptitude in Ubuntu 15.04

When you work with apt in Terminal, you probably want a powerful alternative. There is aptitude, an awesome front-end for apt. It gives us Terminal-style interface and also gives us command replacement to apt. By using aptitude interface, you can do point and click in Terminal to use its menu and buttons. It is very lightweight but powerful. This is how to install aptitude in Ubuntu 15.04.



sudo apt-get install aptitude



  • It downloads 4 dependencies including aptitude itself.
  • It needs approximately 2 MB to download 12 MB to install.


Offline Install wvdial in Ubuntu and Linux Mint

The problem when you are using USB modem in Ubuntu, is, sometimes you will need wvdial but wvdial itself need to be installed first. Fortunately, Ubuntu included wvdial in its official ISO since long time ago. Further, it means wvdial is available in Ubuntu LiveCD but it is not when Ubuntu have been installed. In LiveCD, just command sudo apt-get install wvdial and you install it completely without internet. Yes, Linux Mint has same behavior too. It is probably a secret only few people know. To install it, just insert your Ubuntu CD (same version, same architecture) and command apt-cdrom it to be your additional repository.


  1. In your installed Ubuntu, open Terminal.
  2. Do command: sudo apt-cdrom add
  3. Terminal (apt-cdrom) will ask for Ubuntu CD. Insert it. WARNING: insert only Ubuntu CD which has same version and same architecture (example: CD 12.04 32 bit for 12.04 32 bit). Continue reading Offline Install wvdial in Ubuntu and Linux Mint

Launch Xfce4 Terminal in Quake-style Drop-down Mode

xfce4 drop-down terminal

As you may know, Xfce4 terminal supports the Quake style drop-down mode since version 0.6. Just a parameter --drop-down will start xfce4-terminal just like quake, yakuake, or tilda.

Xfce4 Terminal Quake Style

It is advised to bind this feature to a shortcut in the keyboard preferences. Below steps will teach you how:

1. Open xfce4-setting-manager from Application menu or Alt+F2 Application Finder box.

2. Click on the Keyboard icon under Hardware section.

3. Under Application Shortcuts tab, click on the Add button and type in the command box xfce4-terminal --drop-down

Xfce terminal Quake style

4. Click on OK and set a keyboard shortcut in next window.

Now you’re able to press the keyboard shortcut to launch a drop-down Xfce4 terminal. Click the button at right-bottom to open the preferences dialog and edit the width, height, opacity, duration and more!


Get Maximized Window Titlebar & Buttons on Panel in Xfce4

xfce4 window titlebar & buttons on panel

This simple tutorial shows Xubuntu or Xfce4 users how to get the titlebar & control buttons of maximized window on the panel using Windowck plugin.

First take a look at the result (Ubuntu 14.04 with Xfce 4.10). You’ll see the title of current Firefox tab on top panel and the window control buttons on the top-right.


To get started:

1. Install the xfce4-windowck-plugin, written by Alessio Piccoli and Cédric Leporcq.

Download the binary from the link below that matches your OS type:

  1. 64-bit system – xfce4-windowck-plugin_xxx~trusty_amd64.deb
  2. 32-bit system – xfce4-windowck-plugin_xxx~trusty_i386.deb

Download Xfce4-windowck-plugin

Then double-click the package to open with Software Center and click the install button to install it.

Continue reading Get Maximized Window Titlebar & Buttons on Panel in Xfce4

Remove Desktop Shortcut Icons in (X)Ubuntu XFCE4

Remove Xfce Desktop Icons

Quick tutorial that shows beginners how to remove the shortcut icons from Xfce4 Desktop in (X)Ubuntu 14.10, (X)Ubuntu 14.04.

Xfce4 shows Home, Devices, Trash icons on desktop out-of-the-box. You can’t simply remove them from the right-click context menu. But it’s easy to hide or disable them via the Desktop Settings utility.

1. Open Desktop Settings from the Application Menu. Or right-click on desktop and select it from the pop-up context menu.

Xfce Desktop Settings

2. When the utility opens, navigate to Icons tab. Un-check all the boxes under Desktop Icons.

Note that you might need to re-size the window so that you can see the checkboxes.

Disable Desktop Icons

This should remove user’s Home, Trash, and Devices icons.

If you want to hide all desktop icons besides removing application shortcuts from ~/Desktops folder, just set Icon Type to None. Note that this also changes the desktop right-click menu.

Display Network Manager Icon in Ubuntu XFCE4 Panel

xfce panel

Xfce desktop session in Ubuntu 14.04 /14.10 does not display Network Manager, Messaging Menu, Keyboard Input, and Power icons on the panel out-of-the-box.

Thanks to Mark Trompell, it’s quite easy to add those icons back to Xfce panel by a small plugin called xfce4-indicator-plugin.

Xfce4 Indicator Plugins

1. To install the plugin, open Ubuntu Software Center, search for and install the package xfce4-indicator-plugin.
Continue reading Display Network Manager Icon in Ubuntu XFCE4 Panel

Color UI – An Elegant Simple Theme for XFCE Desktop

xfce theme

Color UI is a new simple and good looking theme project includes support for Xfwm4, Unity, Cinnamon, GTK3, GTK2, Metaciy, Mutter, Openbox.

Color UI was made with maximum usability in mind, from the window borders to the color scheme, Color UI was made for the user who wants an elegant simple theme that does not look broken. If any part of Color UI has any problems in any of the things I listed as this theme supporting, please notify me in the comments and I will try to fix it ASAP! Feedback is always appreciated, if it was not for feedback how else would Color UI improve.

Below is the screenshot of Color UI theme in Xfce Desktop, along with Numix-icon-light and Pen Tool Wallpaper.

Xfce Desktop with color UI theme

Wanna try this theme? Do the steps below: Continue reading Color UI – An Elegant Simple Theme for XFCE Desktop

Colorize Folder Icons in Ubuntu, Linux Mint Cinnamon Mate

Colorize Folder Icons

Folder Color, simple Nautilus extension to colorize folder icons, now adds support for Cinnamon’s Nemo and Mate’s Caja File Manager.

Folder Color is a simple extension to customize your Ubuntu / Linux Mint folder icon, create colorful and unique folder icons for your computer to classify and manage your folders highly efficient.

The project was originally designed for Ubuntu Nautilus file browser. Now, it supports Caja – default for Mate Desktop in Linux Mint and Ubuntu Mate, and Nemo – default for Linux Mint Cinnamon.

Colorize Nautilus Folder Icons (Ubuntu)

Colorize Nemo Folder Icons (Linux Mint Cinnamon)

Install Folder Color in Ubuntu/Linux Mint: Continue reading Colorize Folder Icons in Ubuntu, Linux Mint Cinnamon Mate

Upgrade from Ubuntu 15.04 to Ubuntu 15.10

upgrade ubuntu 15.10

The Final release of Ubuntu 15.10 Wily Werewolf will be out in a few days on October 22. Below is how to upgrade your existing Ubuntu 15.04 to Ubuntu 15.10.


1. Backup Data. You should back up your important documents, files, bookmarks, etc.

2. Disable PPAs. Some PPAs may cause the upgrade fail, so do disable all third-party PPAs in Software & Updates -> Other Software tab.


3. Uninstall video driver. If you’ve manually installed proprietary drivers directly from the manufacturer’s website, then before upgrading I recommend you removing these drivers first and reverting to the open-source drivers.

Upgrade Ubuntu Desktop:

1. Open terminal from the Unity Dash, App Launcher, or via Ctrl+Alt+T shortcut key. When it opens, run command to update your system:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

2. After that, launch Software Updater via below command:

sudo update-manager -d

Below window should pop-up and prompt that Ubuntu 15.10 is available for upgrade:


Click the Upgrade button and confirm again in next window. Software Updater will fetch and install the files and prompt you to remove unnecessary applications.


Restart your computer once the upgrade process finished.

Upgrade Ubuntu Server:

1. Backup your configuration files if you’re running any services on Ubuntu server.

2. install the update-manager-core via command:

sudo apt-get install update-manager-core

3. Edit the config file via below command to make sure there a line says “Prompt=normal” (without quotes):

sudo nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades

After editing, press Ctrl+X -> type y -> finally hit Enter to apply changes.

4. Finally upgrade Ubuntu Server via command:

sudo do-release-upgrade -d

Follow the on-screen prompts and done!.
