All posts by Sumarsono

Raspberry Pi Zero: the $5 computer

Of all the things we do at Raspberry Pi, driving down the cost of computer hardware remains one of the most important. Even in the developed world, a programmable computer is a luxury item for a lot of people, and every extra dollar that we ask someone to spend decreases the chance that they’ll choose to get involved.

The original Raspberry Pi Model B and its successors put a programmable computer within reach of anyone with $20-35 to spend. Since 2012, millions of people have used a Raspberry Pi to get their first experience of programming, but we still meet people for whom cost remains a barrier to entry. At the start of this year, we began work on an even cheaper Raspberry Pi to help these people take the plunge.

Four fathers!?!??

Today, I’m pleased to be able to announce the immediate availability of Raspberry Pi Zero, made in Wales and priced at just $5. Zero is a full-fledged member of the Raspberry Pi family, featuring:

  • A Broadcom BCM2835 application processor
    • 1GHz ARM11 core (40% faster than Raspberry Pi 1)
  • 512MB of LPDDR2 SDRAM
  • A micro-SD card slot
  • A mini-HDMI socket for 1080p60 video output
  • Micro-USB sockets for data and power
  • An unpopulated 40-pin GPIO header
    • Identical pinout to Model A+/B+/2B
  • An unpopulated composite video header
  • Our smallest ever form factor, at 65mm x 30mm x 5mm

Raspberry Pi Zero runs Raspbian and all your favourite applications, including Scratch, Minecraft and Sonic Pi. It is available today in the UK from our friends at The Pi Hut and Pimoroni, and in the US from Adafruit and in-store at your local branch of Micro Center. We’ve built several tens of thousands of units so far, and are building more, but we expect demand to outstrip supply for the next little while.

One more thing: because the only thing better than a $5 computer is a free computer, we are giving away a free Raspberry Pi Zero on the front of each copy of the December issue of The MagPi, which arrives in UK stores today. Russell, Rob and the team have been killing themselves putting this together, and we’re very pleased with how it’s turned out. The issue is jam-packed with everything you need to know about Zero, including a heap of project ideas, and an interview with Mike Stimson, who designed the board.

MagPi #40 in all its glory

If you’re looking for cables to go with your free Zero, head over to the newly revamped Swag Store, where we’re offering a bundle comprising a mini-HDMI and a micro-USB adapter for just £4, or alternatively subscribe and we’ll send you them for free.


Happy hacking!​


Easy Way to build a mainline kernel on ubuntu

Compiling a Linux kernel on Ubuntu

This should be useful in the event that the user wants to investigate whether a newer kernel allows
certain peripherals to work better (or at all) or some other problems they might encounter while using
the kernel officially provided by Canonical.

As an example, I use the 4.1.5 release from

1) Make sure you have the build environment set up first:

sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-$(uname -r)

2) Grab the sources from

 mkdir linux_test_builds
    cd linux_test_builds
    wget -c

3) Unpack the kernel:

tar xfv linux-4.1.5.tar.xz

Continue reading Easy Way to build a mainline kernel on ubuntu

Linux Mint 17.3 “Rosa” Cinnamon – BETA Release

Written by Clem on Wednesday, November 18th, 2015 @ 5:31 pm | Main Topics

This is the BETA release for Linux Mint 17.3 “Rosa” Cinnamon Edition.

Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa Cinnamon Edition

Linux Mint 17.3 is a long term support release which will be supported until 2019. It comes with updated software and brings refinements and many new features to make your desktop even more comfortable to use.

New features: Continue reading Linux Mint 17.3 “Rosa” Cinnamon – BETA Release

Install Arduino IDE 1.6.6 di Linux Mint 17.2

Baca post sebelum ini terlebih dahulu, klik disini.

  1. Setelah itu, silahkan unduh installer Arduino IDE 1.6.6 32bit atau 64bit, sesuaikan dengan komputer kita.
  2. Ekstrak file hasil unduhan yaitu arduino-1.6.6-linux32.tar.xz atau arduino-1.6.6-linux64.tar.xz
  3. Masuk ke direktori hasil ekstrak, yaitu arduino-1.6.6
  4. Klik kanan > Open in terminal
  5. Jalankan perintah berikut:
    sudo chmod 777 * -R
  6. Cek di desktop, sudah ada shortcut untuk Arduino IDE. Double click. Kalau ada warning silahkan pilih Always trust..
  7. Selesai

Terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat


Cara Disable Repositori PPA di Linux Mint 17.2

Kadang, kita perlu menambah repositori PPA pada linux mint untuk menginstall aplikasi tertentu. Setelah aplikasi tersebut terinstall kadang kita sudah tidak membutuhkan repo dari PPA tsb, kemudian kita ingin disable agar tidak di fetch ketika update.

Caranya adalah sebagai berikut:

  1. Buka Software Sources

    Buka Software Sources
  2. Klik PPAs

    Continue reading Cara Disable Repositori PPA di Linux Mint 17.2

Share Internet WIFI ke LAN pada Linux Mint 17.2

Berikut ini cara share koneksi internet WIFI ke LAN, prinsipnya adalah melakukan forwarding dan masquerading dari eth0 ke wlan0.

  1. Buka network setting
  2. Klik Wired > add profile…
  3. Pada bagian identify, isikan nama profile. Kemudian, pilih mac address eth0 milik kita.
  4. Pada bagian IPv4 isikan ip sesuai yang kita kehendaki, contoh ada digambar berikut ini,  kemudian klik apply
  5. Masuk terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) Continue reading Share Internet WIFI ke LAN pada Linux Mint 17.2