All posts by Sumarsono

How To Use MATE File Manager (Caja)

After PCManFM, we introduce here basic Caja File Manager usage. Caja is a descendant from the old Nautilus from GNOME 2.x era. You will find Caja File Manager in Ubuntu MATE, Linux Mint MATE, or any other distribution using MATE as its desktop environment.  It keeps many features from the past, such as emblems and split views. We use Caja 1.8.2 from Ubuntu MATE 14.04 here. We hope this will help new users. Enjoy.


  1. Menu bar.
  2. Tool bar (navigation, refresh, zoom, mode).
  3. Address bar.
  4. Left Panel (sidebar, view changer).
  5. Status bar.
  6. Main area.

Continue reading How To Use MATE File Manager (Caja)

Arch Linux Fast Install

# archfi

Just a simple bash script wizard to install Arch Linux after you have booted on the official Arch Linux install media.

With this script, you can install Arch Linux with 2 lines of code.

This wizard is maked to install minimum packages (base, grub and optionally efibootmgr).
At the end of this wizard, you can install or launch archdi (Arch Linux Destop Install) to install and configure desktop packages.
archdi project :

Continue reading Arch Linux Fast Install

How to Set Up Name-Based Virtual Hosting (Vhosts) With Apache Web Server on CentOS 7


The Apache web server is the most popular web server all over the world. Virtual hosting is a method for hosting multiple websites (domains) on a single server. You can host multiple websites on a single machine with a single IP using virtual hosting. All domains on that server will be sharing a single IP. Virtual hosting is very useful in shared web hosting environments, where hundreds of websites are hosted on a single dedicated server.

In this article we will be hosting two websites ( and on a single IP address (


  • A server running CentOS v. 7 with Apache installed
  • A desktop machine running Linux
  • A static IP address.

Continue reading How to Set Up Name-Based Virtual Hosting (Vhosts) With Apache Web Server on CentOS 7

Deploy Outbound NAT Gateway on Ubuntu


A common network infrastructure may consist of an private network on an isolated subnet. While there may be no need for incoming connections to access the private network from the outside, there are occasions when you may need servers within the private subnet to make connections to services outside of the subnet or to the public Internet. An example may include downloading a software package, sending backup data to an external location, or applying system updates to servers on the private subnet.

A Linux gateway server with two network interfaces, or NICs, can be used to bridge two networks together. One NIC will connect to an external, or public, network while the other NIC will connect to the private subnet. IP forwarding and a NAT rule are then used to route traffic from the private subnet out to the external network.

The traffic from the internal servers will appear to be originating from the gateway IP address. Externally generated traffic will reach the gateway and have no visibility of the private subnet.

While beyond the scope of this tutorial, the gateway server firewall can be modified to restrict outbound traffic from the subnet. Continue reading Deploy Outbound NAT Gateway on Ubuntu

How to Find Default Gateway in Linux

A gateway is a node or a router that acts as an access point to passes network data from local networks to remote networks. There are many ways to find out your gateway in Linux. Here are some of them from Terminal.

You can find default gateway using ip, route and netstat commands in Linux systems.

Using route command

Open up your terminal and type the following commands:

sk@sk:~$ route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface         UG    0      0        0 eth1   U     1      0        0 eth1

The above output shows my default gateway is UG stands for the network link is Up and G stands for Gateway. Continue reading How to Find Default Gateway in Linux

How To Use XFCE File Manager (Thunar)

After Nemo and Nautilus, now we bring you Thunar. It is one of the simplest file manager (graphical) available in Linux. Simple means Thunar is easy to use. We will cover some important features of Thunar. We hope it helps new users into Xubuntu or any XFCE based Linux distro.



  1. Menubar.
  2. Toolbar (back, forward, up, home).
  3. Address bar.
  4. Left panel (devices, places, and network).
  5. Main area.
  6. Status bar.

Continue reading How To Use XFCE File Manager (Thunar)