All posts by Sumarsono

How To Use LXDE File Manager (PCManFM)

After Thunar, we come with PCManFM. This is the LXDE file manager. You’ll find PCManFM in Lubuntu. PCManFM is a very lightweight file manager yet powerful. It has search facility, something Thunar doesn’t. It has F3 Split View also, something Nautilus doesn’t anymore. And just like another file managers available in Linux, it has multitab feature. We hope this article helps anyone using Lubuntu or any LXDE based Linux everywhere. Enjoy.


  1. Menubar.
  2. Toolbar (new tab, back, forward, up, home).
  3. Address bar.
  4. Left panel (places or tree).
  5. Main area.
  6. Statusbar.

Continue reading How To Use LXDE File Manager (PCManFM)

Set Custom Keyboard Shortcut Key in Ubuntu

Ubuntu gives us easy way to bind a shortcut key with any program. Suppose you want to open Firefox when Win+G are pressed. Or press Win+H to open text editor. This can be achieved by using internal Ubuntu System Settings. You don’t need to install any external program.

Normal Applications

Open System Settings (gear logo) > Keyboard > Shortcuts > press Custom Shortcuts > press plus (+) button. Here, name your shortcut i.e. Mozilla Firefox and type the command. You must know the command exactly, e.g firefox is command for Mozilla Firefox. Another command examples such as brasero for Brasero, thunderbird for Mozilla Thunderbird, evince for Evince, and so on. Remember that they are case sensitive. Now, click the line you’ve created and press the keys i.e. Win+H.


Suppose you want to execute a command line from keyboard shortcut. For example, turning the brightness down/up. Of course, there are thousands and more possible commands to bind with shortcut key. Imagine you can pipe or redirect somethings by just pressing shortcut key. To do it, do the same like normal applications and type the command line i.e. xrandr –output LVDS1 –brightness 0.5 to turn brightness down and xrandr –output LVDS1 –brightness 1 to turn it up. Again, after typing a command, click the line you’ve created (see right panel) and bind the keys i.e. Win+J.


Packages For Embedded Development

Packages for Embedded Development

Fedora is used for all Embedded Development activities/workflows (cross-tools, alternate libc, RT, romfs, root flash, small footprint targets, etc.) that target the full spectrum of system platform-OS-application combinations:

  • Can target systems able to run Linux (including rpm-managed systems),
  • Can target systems that run other kernels, microkernels, RT kernels, hypervisors, or
  • Can target systems that run only non-kernel core code.

Embedded targets that run (at least some portion of) Fedora include x86, x86_64, Blackfin, ARM and others.

Fedora includes support for developing non-Linux embedded applications targeted at the Microchip PIC, a common embedded microcontroller, and the Atmel AVR. There is also limited support for other parts. Continue reading Packages For Embedded Development

Kubuntu Lead Has Stepped Down, But It’s Not The End For Kubuntu

Jonathan Riddell, the Kubuntu Release Manager, has announced he’s stepping down.

Major shock — not.Kubuntu logo

The former project leader¹ and long-time KDE developer confirmed the news in a blog post on the Kubuntu website, as well as in an e-mail sent to the Ubuntu Devel mailing list.

“Making Kubuntu over the last 10 years has been a fantastic journey,” he writes.

“Even (sic) since I first heard about a spaceman making a Linux distro using Debian but faster release cycles I’ve known this would be something important and wanted KDE to be part of it. Bringing together KDE and Ubuntu has created the best operating system we can and the best community to work on it.”

Continue reading Kubuntu Lead Has Stepped Down, But It’s Not The End For Kubuntu

The Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Codename Has Been Announced

The Ubuntu 16.04 LTS codename has been revealed — and, unsurprisingly for a release beginning with ‘x’, it’s a little obtuse. 

The Ubuntu 16.04 name is ‘Xenial Xerus’.

It is the successor to Wily Werewolf, and the next Long-Term Support release.

Xenial ‎is an adjective meaning ‘hospitable’ or ‘friendly’, while xerus is the posh name given to a ground squirrel.

Announcing the name of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on his blog, Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth explains the codename further:

“What fortunate timing that our next LTS should be X, because “xenial” means “friendly relations between hosts and guests”, and given all the amazing work going into LXD and KVM for Ubuntu OpenStack, and beyond that the interoperability of Ubuntu OpenStack with hypervisors of all sorts, it seems like a perfect fit.

And Xerus, the African ground squirrels, are among the most social animals in my home country. They thrive in the desert, they live in small, agile, social groups that get along unusually well with their neighbours (for most mammals, neighbours are a source of bloody competition, for Xerus, hey, collaboration is cool). They are fast, feisty, friendly and known for their enormous… courage. That sounds just about right. With great… courage… comes great opportunity!”

X is also fitting for another reason: Ubuntu 16.04 is expected to be the last version of Ubuntu to ship with the standard X server by default. Canonical’s home-grown Mir display server and Unity 8 shell are maturing nicely, aiming to replace the default offerings in Ubuntu 16.10 due in a year’s time.

Mark describes Utopic, Vivid and Wily as “three intense releases, packed with innovation”, adding that Ubuntu 16.04 LTS will ‘bring the threads together…making Ubuntu the fastest path to magic of all sorts”.


Sensor accelerometer mma7260 buatan Freescale Semiconductor ini mempunyai 6 buah fungsi yaitu untuk mengukur gerakan (movement), getaran (vibration), jatuh (fall), kemiringan (tilt), posisi (positioning) dan benturan (shock).

Saya akan jelaskan bagaimana cara mengakses sensor accelerometer mma7260 untuk mengukur kemiringan (tilt measurement) yang ditampilkan pada LCD 2×16 menggunakan compiler CodeVision AVR.


AVR Project – Digital Stop Watch with ATmega8

Hello Friends,

In this tutorial we will make a “Digital Stop Watch” using an AVR ATmega8 Microcontroller. This will help you learn many concepts like

  1. Multiplexed Seven Segment Display Interfacing
  2. Using AVR Timers
  3. Using Interrupts
  4. And many others too.

The code is written in C language for avr-gcc (WinAVR) .

digital stop watch using avr atmega8 and seven segment displays

Fig.: Digital Stop Watch Prototype

Continue reading AVR Project – Digital Stop Watch with ATmega8

AVR Project – Relay Timer with ATmega8 AVR MCU

Timers are widely used in industrial and domestic application for automating tasks. Microcontrollers can be used to design versatile and accurate timers with ease. Here I present a simple timer that can be used to turn on/off a load after user specified time.

The Timer uses a standard 16×2 lcd module for user interface (UI). User can set the time using a 3 button keypad.

After that Timer is started. While count down is in progress, the time left is displayed on screen.

The program use our LCD driver library more details of which can be found in here. Use avr-gcc + AVR Studio to compile.

The prototype was developed using xBoard MINI, a low cost easy to use ATmega8 development board. The program was burned to the MCU’s flash memory using eXtreme Burner – AVR Software and Hardware. A basic knowledge of working with different tools of AVR development is required, so please refer to following articles. Continue reading AVR Project – Relay Timer with ATmega8 AVR MCU

Drive relay with AVR microcontroller

To drive relay you need more than 20mA – the current can one pin drive. This is why you cannot connect relay directly to microcontrollers pin. To drive relay you need to connect simple amplifier made of one transistor.

Drive relay with AVR microcontroller

One important part of this circuit is the diode, which protects circuit from induction caused when switching relay.

This circuit is more general as instead relay you can connect any other load like lamps, DC motors if you need to control more than one relay, you might consider using ICs like ULN2003 or ULN2803. These ICs have Darlington transistors inside and can drive up to 500mA each.

iDrive relay with AVR microcontroller using ULN2003A

To switch on a relay in this case you need simply write ‘1’ to port pin. And current doesn’t exceed the allowed limit of microcontroller.
