Category Archives: Linux

Lxsplit – Tool untuk split dan menggabungkan file yang di split

“LXSplit is a simple tool for splitting files and joining the splitted files. It is fully compatible with the HJSplit utility. Splitting is done without compression.”

Cara Install:

sudo apt-get install lxsplit

Contoh Penggunaan

Split file menjadi 15MB per file

lxsplit -s test.mkv 15M

Join  file

lxsplit -j hugefile.mkv.0001


sudo apt-get install usplitter

Record Ubuntu Terminal Output History In Text

We know that our Terminal (more precisely, our bash) saves commands history in .bash_history file. But we also know that our Terminal doesn’t save the output of every command. How if we want to do that and save output as a text file? For example, we want to analyze every command output or learn how apt-get works (like me). We can do it with a program named script from util-linux package from Linux Kernel Archive. The program is pre-installed in Ubuntu. I will show you how to use it and how to run it every time Terminal starts.

How To Use script

As I said above, script program is pre-installed in Ubuntu. To use it, just type script in Terminal. Then use your Terminal as usual. To stop script from recording, press Ctrl+D in Terminal. The record is saved in Home by default. The record is named typescript (yes, without any .txt extension) by default.
Continue reading Record Ubuntu Terminal Output History In Text

Boot Repair: Simple Tool to Repair Common Boot Problem

In order to load Linux operating system on computer, we need a bootloader. Bootloader also can help us to load to one of many operating systems on computer. We can choose to load Windows, Ubuntu, Fedora, and so on. GRUB is a default bootloader for many versions of Ubuntu. GRUB can crash and you might not be able to load any operating system. In case, you have common GRUB problem, please use Boot Repair to fix that.

Boot Repair is a simple and easy-to-use tool to fix common boot problem such as:

  • Repair the boot when an OS does not boot any more (eg. after installing Windows)
  • Repair the boot when access to GRUB and any OS is lost (eg. “GRUB rescue” error)
  • Allow to reinstall GRUB bootloader easily
  • Allow to generate a generic MBR compatible with Windows XP/Vista/Seven/Windows8

Continue reading Boot Repair: Simple Tool to Repair Common Boot Problem

Easily Boot Linux ISO from HDD with grml-rescueboot

You can boot Linux ISO directly from your HDD with grml-rescueboot utility. You don’t need a CD, DVD, or USB drive anymore. You don’t need to burn anything. And no need to formally configure anything. Just put an ISO then update your GRUB and it’s done. Actually, grml modifies your GRUB to recognize an ISO you provide and to boot it. Finally, you can have more than one ISO to boot at any time you start your computer.

Boot Linux ISO Directly from The HDD

Continue reading Easily Boot Linux ISO from HDD with grml-rescueboot

DocFetcher: A “Google Desktop” for Linux

Are you looking for Google Desktop in Linux? Google never release that program for Linux. Instead, we have an alternative from DocFetcher. It is a great replacement for Google Desktop with more features such as selecting what type of file to index. We can select what folder to index, what filetype, and view strings found in every file. DocFetcher can show search result in a table so you can search for a string in all PDF you have. Here we show how to install in Ubuntu and how to use it. DocFetcher official site is Thanks to qforce for providing DocFetcher.

How To Install

Continue reading DocFetcher: A “Google Desktop” for Linux

Install FreeDOS in Virtualbox on Ubuntu Linux

After years, people doesn’t use Disk Operating System (DOS) anymore. Among many DOS systems ever available, MS-DOS was the most popular for desktop computers. But probably for some purposes such learning the basic of Windows command system, learning to install an OS with many disk series (and how to do it later on Debian), playing old DOS games, or any other learning purpose, you will need MS-DOS again. But MS-DOS was proprietary and was abandoned by Microsoft. Don’t worry, free software community has created FreeDOS as 1:1 replacement for MS-DOS. FreeDOS was licensed with GNU GPL v2 and available freely. It’s almost 100% compatible with MS-DOS internally (to help install some Windows systems) or externally (to install many MS-DOS games or programs). Now, we want to share how to install FreeDOS in Virtualbox. We use Ubuntu as host.

Obtain FreeDOS ISO Image

You should have FreeDOS image first. Download it from FreeDOS official site For example, we download fd11src.iso 40 MB.
Continue reading Install FreeDOS in Virtualbox on Ubuntu Linux

Install TOR Browser di Ubuntu 14.04

“The Tor software protects you by bouncing your communications around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location, and it lets you access sites which are blocked.”

  1. Unduh Tor Browser disini
  2. Ekstrak hasil unduhan (LANG ganti dengan bahasa yang ada di nama file, misalnya: en-US)
    tar -xvJf tor-browser-linux32-5.0.3_LANG.tar.xz
  3. Masuk ke direktori hasil ekstrak
    cd tor-browser_LANG
  4. Jalankan Tor dengan perintah berikut ini:

Terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat.

Membuat Kustom ISO Ubuntu menggunakan PinguyBuilder

“PinguyBuilder is a script which allows creating a customized Live CD/Live USB (remaster) of Ubuntu or Linux Mint, that can be used either as a distributable ISO or as a backup.”

Unduh PinguyBuilder disini.


  • Versi 3.x untuk Ubuntu 14.04
  • Versi 4.x untuk Ubuntu 15.04



Terima kasih, semoga bermanfaat