Tag Archives: BCD

Dekoder TTL BCD Ke 7 Segment

The 74xx47 chip is used to drive 7 segment display. You must use the 74xx47 with a common anode 7-segment display (e.g. Kingbright part number SA03). The input to the 74xx47 is a binary number DCBA where D is 8s, C is 4s, B is 2s and A is 1s. The inputs DCBA often come from a binary counter.

The display is only sensible if the binary number is between DCBA=0000 (0) and DCBA=1001 (9); this is called Binary Coded Decimal or BCD for short. If the number is larger than 9 you get a strange output on the display. Try this out by moving your mouse over the truth table. Continue reading Dekoder TTL BCD Ke 7 Segment