In this part of the tutorial, we will deploy our example PHP application, WordPress, and a private DNS:

Your users will access your application over HTTPS via a domain name, e.g. “https://www.example.com”, that points to the load balancer. The load balancer will act as a reverse proxy to the application servers, which will connect to the database server. The private DNS will enable us to use names to refer to the private network addresses of our servers which ease the process of configuration of our servers.
We will set up the components that we just discussed on six servers, in this order:
- Private DNS (ns1 and ns2)
- Database Server (db1)
- Application Servers (app1 and app2)
- Load Balancer (lb1)
Let’s get started with the DNS setup.
Private DNS Servers
Using names for addresses helps with identifying the servers you are working with and becomes essential for the maintenance of a larger server setup, as you can replace a server by simply updating your DNS records (in a single place) instead of updating countless configuration files with IP addresses. In our setup, we will set up our DNS so we can reference the private network addresses of our servers by name instead of IP address.
We will refer to the private network address of each server by a hostname under the “nyc3.example.com” subdomain. For example, the database server’s private network address would be “db1.nyc3.example.com”, which resolves to it’s private IP address. Note that the example subdomain is almost completely arbitrary, and is usually chosen based on logical organization purposes; in our case, we “nyc3” indicates that the servers are in the NYC3 datacenter, and “example.com” is our application’s domain name.
Set this up by following this tutorial, and adding DNS records for each server in your setup:
After completing the DNS tutorial, you should have two BIND servers: ns1 and ns2. If you already know the private IP addresses of all of the servers in your setup, add them to your DNS now; otherwise, add the appropriate DNS records as you create your servers.
Now we’re ready to set up our database server.
Set Up Database Server
Because we want to load balance the our application servers, i.e. the ones running Apache and PHP, we need to decouple the database from the application servers by setting it up on a separate server. Decoupling the database from the application is an essential step before horizontally scaling many types of applications, as explained in this blog post: Horizontally Scaling PHP Applications: A Practical Overview.
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