Tag Archives: LEMP

How To Install an Nginx, MySQL, and PHP (FEMP) Stack on FreeBSD 10.1


Nginx, MySQL, and PHP can be combined together easily as a powerful solution for serving dynamic content on the web. These three pieces of software can be installed and configured on a FreeBSD machine to create what is known as a FEMP stack.

In this guide, we will demonstrate how to install a FEMP stack on a FreeBSD 10.1 server. We will be installing the software using packages in order to get up and running more quickly. These packages provide reasonable defaults that work well for most servers.

Install the Components

To begin, we will install all of the software we need using FreeBSD packages system. The “install” command will update our local copy of the available packages and then install the packages we have requested: Continue reading How To Install an Nginx, MySQL, and PHP (FEMP) Stack on FreeBSD 10.1