Tag Archives: thunar

How To Use XFCE File Manager (Thunar)

After Nemo and Nautilus, now we bring you Thunar. It is one of the simplest file manager (graphical) available in Linux. Simple means Thunar is easy to use. We will cover some important features of Thunar. We hope it helps new users into Xubuntu or any XFCE based Linux distro.



  1. Menubar.
  2. Toolbar (back, forward, up, home).
  3. Address bar.
  4. Left panel (devices, places, and network).
  5. Main area.
  6. Status bar.

Continue reading How To Use XFCE File Manager (Thunar)

Open Drop Down Terminal From Thunar File Manager [Xubuntu]

I have a written about the latest XFCE Terminal which adds drop down Terminal functionality like Guake or Yakuake. If you don’t read it, please click here to read and install the latest version of XFCE Terminal so you can follow this tutorial. As far as I know, Thunar file manager comes with “Open Terminal Here” context menu. You can see it by right clicking on any folder from Thunar File Manager.

By default, it will open the default XFCE Terminal in a normal window. I want to open it on drop down XFCE Terminal, how can I do that? Well, today I want to share a little trick on how to do that.

Please make sure you have installed and configured drop down XFCE Terminal properly, please click here for the instruction. Open Thunar File Manager and navigate to “Edit > Configure custom actions …” and you will see a dialog windows like picture below: Continue reading Open Drop Down Terminal From Thunar File Manager [Xubuntu]