Tag Archives: ubuntu

Install Numix 2.0 GTK & Icon theme in Ubuntu 13.10, 14.04

Numix is a modern flat theme with a combination of light and dark elements. It supports Gnome, Unity, XFCE and Openbox.

This simple tutorials shows how to install Numix GTK as well as Numix icons on Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy, Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty, Ubuntu 13.04 Raring, Ubuntu 12.04 Precise and Linux Mint.

First take a look at screenshots:

numix gtk Ubuntu 13.10 Unity

numix icons ubuntu 13.10 unity

numix gtk & icons linux mint

numix icons & gtk xfce4

numix gtk & icons gnome shell

numix gtk & icons gnome shell

Install Numix GTK & Icons via PPA:

Numix project gets a launchpad PPA to make it easy to install Numix GTK, icons, wallpaper in Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 12.04 and their derivatives.

To get started, press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run commands below one by one:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:numix/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install numix-gtk-theme numix-icon-theme numix-wallpaper-saucy

Once installed, use Gnome Tweak Tool, Unity Tweak Tool or other system tools to apply Numix theme and icons.

Change Keyboard Layout into Arabic with Terminal Commands in Linux

We can easily change our keyboard layout in Linux by Terminal commands. It is easier and faster at many times compared to GUI. You can change layout by just up or down arrow key. Remember, many cases happened when people change their layouts and they can’t revert them back. Avoid it by number 1 step below.

1. Set Default Layout

Yes, you must do command for default layout first (US) or you will find difficulty to revert the setting into default again.

setxkbmap  -layout us


2. Set Arabic Layout

We have ‘parent language’ (Arabic) and also ‘children language’ as variant/dialect (Buckwalter etc.).

setxkbmap -layout ara

To set Arabic with Buckwalter variant, use this command:

setxkbmap -layout ara -variant buckwalter

Note: Buckwalter is an Arabic variant which has similar result with Multikey program on Windows while you may type A for ALIF, B for BA’, T for Ta’ (phonetically associated keys), and so on. Buckwalter variant helps us to write Arabic easily without any additional tool.

3. Revert Layout to Default

To revert your layout into default, call previous command. That’s why you should do the first command before. Use up arrow key on Terminal so you can call the previous commands and choose

Disable Ubuntu Update Notification

For several users, it is annoying to see system update notification every day. You may disable it easily. Warning, update is important for security matters. You will do this with your own risk.


  1. Open Ubuntu menu.
  2. Search for Software & Updates.
  3. Open Updates tab.
  4. Change into Never for Automatically check for updates entry.

This configuration will forbid the system to check any update available. So, it disables update notification.

Sumber: https://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2015/08/disable-ubuntu-update-notification.html

Open Drop Down Terminal From Thunar File Manager [Xubuntu]

I have a written about the latest XFCE Terminal which adds drop down Terminal functionality like Guake or Yakuake. If you don’t read it, please click here to read and install the latest version of XFCE Terminal so you can follow this tutorial. As far as I know, Thunar file manager comes with “Open Terminal Here” context menu. You can see it by right clicking on any folder from Thunar File Manager.

By default, it will open the default XFCE Terminal in a normal window. I want to open it on drop down XFCE Terminal, how can I do that? Well, today I want to share a little trick on how to do that.

Please make sure you have installed and configured drop down XFCE Terminal properly, please click here for the instruction. Open Thunar File Manager and navigate to “Edit > Configure custom actions …” and you will see a dialog windows like picture below: Continue reading Open Drop Down Terminal From Thunar File Manager [Xubuntu]

Add Right-Click Convert and Resize Images in Nautilus

In Dolphin, by using an extension, I can do right-click to convert bulk PNG images into JPEG or any format. This is very effective (I use it very intensely) for my graphic design works. But how about Nautilus? Sure, you can do the same thing. You will need to install programs nautilus-image-converter (resizer) and nautilus-image-tools (converter). nautilus-image-converter created by GNOME team and nautilus-image-tools created by Atareao Team. Thank you!

Install The Resizer

To do this, install nautilus-image-converter from Ubuntu repository. I’m using Ubuntu 15.04 and the package is already there. Install it using Ubuntu Software Center or by Terminal:

sudo apt-get install nautilus-image-converter

Install The Converter

To do this, install nautilus-image-tools from unofficial repository. Atareao has created that unofficial in Launchpad PPA. Use these commands: Continue reading Add Right-Click Convert and Resize Images in Nautilus