Tag Archives: ubuntu

Install FileZilla di Ubuntu 14.04

FileZilla is a ftp client for both windows & linux operating system. It is a powerful client for plain FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and the SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). Some of the common features are listed below :

* Supports FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
* IPv6 support
* Available in more than 40 languages
* Supports resume and transfer of large files >4GB
* Easy to use Site Manager and transfer queue
* Bookmarks
* Drag & drop support
* Speed limits
* Filename filters
* Directory comparison
* Network configuration wizard
* Remote file editing
* Keep-alive
* HTTP/1.1, SOCKS5 and FTP Proxy support
* Logging to file
* Synchronized directory browsing
* Remote file search
* Tabbed interface to connect to multiple servers


sudo apt-get install filezilla

QupZilla 1.8.7 – open-source Qt web browser

Changes in the 1.8.7 release:

  • save pinned tabs per-window when set to restore session
  • Shift+Left click on links now opens link in new window
  • show web inspector action now toggles inspector
  • add button to create new userscript in GreaseMonkey
  • add “Anti-Adblock Killer” AdBlock subscription
  • add Ctrl+G and Ctrl+Shift+G shortcuts in search toolbar
  • fix enabling select all and find actions in menu
  • fix searching for strings with special whitespaces from locationbar
  • fix build with KF5 KWallet, Qt 5.5 and gcc 4.9.
  • fix crash when blocking popup window with AdBlock
  • fix icon animation when blocking popup window with AdBlock
  • fix incorrectly accepting some cookies
  • fix creating new config directory
  • fix saving settings without changing pages in SpeedDial
  • fix center dials option in SpeedDial
  • fix not escaping characters for (file, ftp) dir listings
  • fix not showing restore page when opening new url from cli
  • fix adding search engine from form on page with Qt 5
  • fix saving homepage/new tab urls from preferences
  • Linux: use run-time detection of X11 platform

QupZilla in Ubuntu 14.04

Cara Install QupZilla di Ubuntu:
Continue reading QupZilla 1.8.7 – open-source Qt web browser

Install dan Konfigurasi vsftpd di Ubuntu 14.04

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) merupakan salah satu metode untuk transfer file yang cukup populer. Misal, upload file ke web server, dsb.


1. Install vsftpd

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get -y install vsftpd

2. Konfigurasi vsftpd

sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf

Blok anonim untuk akses file via FTP,:


Ijinkan local user untuk login:


Beri akses tulis ke local user:


‘chroot jailed’ untuk local user:


Simpan (ctrl+o) dan Exit (ctrl+x).

Restart vsftpd:

sudo service vsftpd restart

3. Konfigurasi User’s Home Directory

Fix permissions untuk userftp‘s home directory:

chmod a-w /home/userftp/

Buat directory untuk upload file:

mkdir /home/userftp/files
chown user2:userftp /home/userftp/files/

Semoga bermanfaat.


[1] https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/ftp-server.html
[2] https://www.liquidweb.com/kb/how-to-install-and-configure-vsftpd-on-ubuntu-14-04-lts/

Lxsplit – Tool untuk split dan menggabungkan file yang di split

“LXSplit is a simple tool for splitting files and joining the splitted files. It is fully compatible with the HJSplit utility. Splitting is done without compression.”

Cara Install:

sudo apt-get install lxsplit

Contoh Penggunaan

Split file menjadi 15MB per file

lxsplit -s test.mkv 15M

Join  file

lxsplit -j hugefile.mkv.0001


sudo apt-get install usplitter

Record Ubuntu Terminal Output History In Text

We know that our Terminal (more precisely, our bash) saves commands history in .bash_history file. But we also know that our Terminal doesn’t save the output of every command. How if we want to do that and save output as a text file? For example, we want to analyze every command output or learn how apt-get works (like me). We can do it with a program named script from util-linux package from Linux Kernel Archive. The program is pre-installed in Ubuntu. I will show you how to use it and how to run it every time Terminal starts.

How To Use script

As I said above, script program is pre-installed in Ubuntu. To use it, just type script in Terminal. Then use your Terminal as usual. To stop script from recording, press Ctrl+D in Terminal. The record is saved in Home by default. The record is named typescript (yes, without any .txt extension) by default.
Continue reading Record Ubuntu Terminal Output History In Text