Expose for A your Mac

If you have many applications and windows open at the same time, it may be hard to find the right window. Using exposé your problems are solved.

If your windows are a mess…

Windows mess

Press F9

Pressing F9 will show all the windows within the active applications. For instance, if you have Safari open, pressing F9 will show all the open Safari windows. Just click the one you want to go to.

Arranged Windows

Press F10

If you press F10, exposé will show you all the open windows of all the open applications. Once again, just click one of them to open it.

Arranged Windows

Press F11

If you press F11, all the windows will fly away and reveal the desktop.Continue reading

Dasbor and Widget A Mac

Widgets are small mini-applications designed to perform tasks that we otherwise perform by visiting web pages. For instance, instead of opening Safari and going to a weather website, you can access the weather-widget with a single click of your mouse.


Widgets are not viewed the same way as regular applications. Instead, they are shown in Dashboard. When opening Dashboard, your screen fades a bit and the widgets zoom in across the screen.

Open Dashboard

In order to open Dashboard, just click it’s icon in the dock.

Click the Dashboard icon in the dock

When you do so, Dashboard and the widgets will appear.

Dashboard opens

The widgets

What they are

Widgets are small applications used to perform smaller tasks or show data. Since they are programmed the same way as websites are it is easy for web developers to create widgets that display information from their websites.

Show/hide widgets

If you look at the lower left corner of Dashboard, you will see a plus button. If you click it, a bar containing all installed widgets will appear. From this bar, just drag the applications that you wish to use onto the Dashboard space.

If you wish to hide a widget, hold down the alt key and put the cursor over the widget. A button looking like a cross will appear in the widget’s upper left corner. Click it and the widget disappears. If you wish to use it again, just click the plus button in the lower left corner again.Continue reading