Install Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana 4 on Ubuntu 14.04

How To Install Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana 4 on Ubuntu 14.04


In this tutorial, we will go over the installation of the Elasticsearch ELK Stack on Ubuntu 14.04—that is, Elasticsearch 1.4.4, Logstash 1.5.0, and Kibana 4. We will also show you how to configure it to gather and visualize the syslogs of your systems in a centralized location. Logstash is an open source tool for collecting, parsing, and storing logs for future use. Kibana 4 is a web interface that can be used to search and view the logs that Logstash has indexed. Both of these tools are based on Elasticsearch.

Centralized logging can be very useful when attempting to identify problems with your servers or applications, as it allows you to search through all of your logs in a single place. It is also useful because it allows you to identify issues that span multiple servers by correlating their logs during a specific time frame.

It is possible to use Logstash to gather logs of all types, but we will limit the scope of this tutorial to syslog gathering.

Our Goal

The goal of the tutorial is to set up Logstash to gather syslogs of multiple servers, and set up Kibana to visualize the gathered logs.
Continue reading Install Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana 4 on Ubuntu 14.04

Install Bacula-web on Ubuntu 14.04

How To Install Bacula-web on Ubuntu 14.04


Bacula-web is a PHP web application that provides an easy way to view summaries and graphs of Bacula backup jobs that have already run. Although it doesn’t allow you to control Bacula in any way, Bacula-web provides a graphical alternative to viewing jobs from the console. Bacula-web is especially useful for users who are new to Bacula, as its reports make it easy to understand what Bacula has been operating.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Bacula-web on an Ubuntu 14.04 server that your Bacula server software is running on.


To follow this tutorial, you must have the Bacula backup server software installed on an Ubuntu server. Instructions to install Bacula can be found here: How To Install Bacula Server on Ubuntu 14.04.

This tutorial assumes that your Bacula setup is using MySQL for the catalog. If you are using a different RDBMS, such as PostgreSQL, be sure to make the proper adjustments to this tutorial. You will need to install the appropriate PHP module(s) and make adjustments to the database connection information examples.

Let’s get started.

Install Nginx and PHP

Bacula-web is a PHP application, so we need to install PHP and a web server. We’ll use Nginx. If you want to learn more about this particular software setup, check out this LEMP tutorial.

Update your apt-get listings:

sudo apt-get update

Then, install Nginx, PHP-fpm, and a few other packages with apt-get:

sudo apt-get install nginx apache2-utils php5-fpm php5-mysql php5-gd

Now we are ready to configure PHP and Nginx.

Configure PHP-FPM

Open the PHP-FPM configuration file in your favorite text editor. We’ll use vi:

sudo vi /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini

Find the line that specifies cgi.fix_pathinfo, uncomment it, and replace its value with 0. It should look like this when you’re done.


Now find the date.timezone setting, uncomment it, and replace its value with your time zone. We’re in New York, so that’s what we’re setting the value to: Continue reading Install Bacula-web on Ubuntu 14.04

Back Up an Ubuntu 14.04 Server with Bacula


This tutorial will show you how to set up Bacula to create backups of a remote Ubuntu 14.04 host, over a network connection. This involves installing and configuring the Bacula Client software on a remote host, and making some additions to the configuration of an existing Bacula Server (covered in the prerequisites).

If you are trying to create backups of CentOS 7 hosts, follow this link instead: How To Back Up a CentOS 7 Server with Bacula.


This tutorial assumes that you have a server running the Bacula Server components, as described in this link: How To Install Bacula Server on Ubuntu 14.04.

We are also assuming that you are using private network interfaces for backup server-client communications. We will refer to the private FQDN of the servers (FQDNs that point to the private IP addresses). If you are using IP addresses, simply substitute the connection information where appropriate.

For the rest of this tutorial, we will refer to the Bacula Server as “BaculaServer”, “Bacula Server”, or “Backup Server”. We will refer to the remote host, that is being backed up, as “ClientHost”, “Client Host”, or “Client”.

Let’s get started by making some quick changes to the Bacula Server configuration.

Organize Bacula Director Configuration (Server)

On your Bacula Server, perform this section once.

When setting up your Bacula Server, you may have noticed that the configuration files are excessively long. We’ll try and organize the Bacula Director configuration a bit, so it uses separate files to add new configuration such as jobs, file sets, and pools.

Let’s create a directory to help organize the Bacula configuration files:

  • sudo mkdir /etc/bacula/conf.d

Then open the Bacula Director configuration file:

  • sudo vi /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf

At the end of the file add, this line:

bacula-dir.conf — Add to end of file
@|"find /etc/bacula/conf.d -name '*.conf' -type f -exec echo @{} \;"

Save and exit. This line makes the Director look in the /etc/bacula/conf.d directory for additional configuration files to append. That is, any .conf file added in there will be loaded as part of the configuration.

Add RemoteFile Pool

We want to add an additional Pool to our Bacula Director configuration, which we’ll use to configure our remote backup jobs.

Open the conf.d/pools.conf file:

  • sudo vi /etc/bacula/conf.d/pools.conf

Add the following Pool resource:

conf.d/pools.conf — Add Pool resource
Pool {
  Name = RemoteFile
  Pool Type = Backup
  Label Format = Remote-
  Recycle = yes                       # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 365 days         # one year
    Maximum Volume Bytes = 50G          # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
  Maximum Volumes = 100               # Limit number of Volumes in Pool

Save and exit. This defines a “RemoteFile” pool, which we will use by the backup job that we’ll create later. Feel free to change any of the parameters to meet your own needs. Continue reading Back Up an Ubuntu 14.04 Server with Bacula

Install Bacula Server on Ubuntu 14.04

How To Install Bacula Server on Ubuntu 14.04


Bacula is an open source network backup solution that allows you create backups and perform data recovery of your computer systems. It is very flexible and robust, which makes it, while slightly cumbersome to configure, suitable for backups in many situations. A backup system is an important component in most server infrastructures, as recovering from data loss is often a critical part of disaster recovery plans.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install and configure the server components of Bacula on an Ubuntu 14.04 server. We will configure Bacula to perform a weekly job that creates a local backup (i.e. a backup of its own host). This, by itself, is not a particularly compelling use of Bacula, but it will provide you with a good starting point for creating backups of your other servers, i.e. the backup clients. The next tutorial in this series will cover creating backups of your other, remote, servers by installing and configuring the Bacula client, and configuring the Bacula server.

If you’d rather use CentOS 7 instead, follow this link: How To Install Bacula Server on CentOS 7.


You must have superuser (sudo) access on an Ubuntu 14.04 server. Also, the server will require adequate disk space for all of the backups that you plan on retaining at any given time.

If you are using DigitalOcean, you should enable Private Networking on your Bacula server, and all of your client servers that are in the same datacenter region. This will allow your servers to use private networking when performing backups, reducing network overhead.

We will configure Bacula to use the private FQDN of our servers, e.g. If you don’t have a DNS setup, use the appropriate IP addresses instead. If you don’t have private networking enabled, replace all network connection information in this tutorial with network addresses that are reachable by servers in question (e.g. public IP addresses or VPN tunnels).

Let’s get started by looking at an overview of Bacula’s components.

Bacula Component Overview

Although Bacula is composed of several software components, it follows the server-client backup model; to simplify the discussion, we will focus more on the backup server and the backup clients than the individual Bacula components. Still, it is important to have cursory knowledge of the various Bacula components, so we will go over them now.

A Bacula server, which we will also refer to as the “backup server”, has these components:

  • Bacula Director (DIR): Software that controls the backup and restore operations that are performed by the File and Storage daemons
  • Storage Daemon (SD): Software that performs reads and writes on the storage devices used for backups
  • Catalog: Services that maintain a database of files that are backed up. The database is stored in an SQL database such as MySQL or PostgreSQL
  • Bacula Console: A command-line interface that allows the backup administrator to interact with, and control, Bacula Director
Note: The Bacula server 
components don't need to run on the same server, but they all work 
together to provide the backup server functionality.

A Bacula client, i.e. a server that will be backed up, runs the File Daemon (FD) component. The File Daemon is software that provides the Bacula server (the Director, specifically) access to the data that will be backed up. We will also refer to these servers as “backup clients” or “clients”.

As we noted in the introduction, we will configure the backup server to create a backup of its own filesystem. This means that the backup server will also be a backup client, and will run the File Daemon component.

Let’s get started with the installation.

Install MySQL

Bacula uses an SQL database, such as MySQL or PostreSQL, to manage its backups catalog. We will use MySQL in this tutorial.

First, update apt-get:

  • sudo apt-get update

Now install MySQL Server with apt-get:

  • sudo apt-get install mysql-server

You will be prompted for a password for the MySQL database administrative user, root. Enter a password, then confirm it.

Remember this password, as it will be used in the Bacula installation process.

Install Bacula

Install the Bacula server and client components, using apt-get:

  • sudo apt-get install bacula-server bacula-client

You will be prompted for some information that will be used to configure Postfix, which Bacula uses:

  • General Type of Mail Configuration: Choose “Internet Site”
  • System Mail Name: Enter your server’s FQDN or hostname

Next, you will be prompted for information that will be used to set up the Bacula database:

  • Configure database for bacula-director-mysql with dbconfig-common?: Select “Yes”
  • Password of the database’s administrative user: Enter your MySQL root password (set during MySQL installation)
  • MySQL application password for bacula-director-mysql: Enter a new password and confirm it, or leave the prompt blank to generate a random password

The last step in the installation is to update the permissions of a script that Bacula uses during its catalog backup job:

  • sudo chmod 755 /etc/bacula/scripts/delete_catalog_backup

The Bacula server (and client) components are now installed. Let’s create the backup and restore directories.

Create Backup and Restore Directories

Bacula needs a backup directory—for storing backup archives—and restore directory—where restored files will be placed. If your system has multiple partitions, make sure to create the directories on one that has sufficient space. Continue reading Install Bacula Server on Ubuntu 14.04

Redirect www to Non-www with Nginx on Ubuntu 14.04


When you have your web site or application up and running behind a domain, it is often desirable to also allow your users access to it via the plain domain name and the www subdomain. That is, they should be able to visit your domain with or without the “www.” prefix, e.g. or, in a web browser, and be presented with the same content. While there are a variety of ways to set this up, the best solution, for consistency and SEO considerations, is to choose which domain you prefer, plain or www, and redirect the other one to the preferred domain. This type of redirect is called a Permanent Redirect, or “301 redirect”, and can be easily set up by properly configuring your DNS resource records and web server software.

This tutorial will show you how to redirect a www URL to non-www, e.g. to, with Nginx on Ubuntu 14.04. We will also show you how to redirect in the other direction, from a non-www URL to www. The CentOS 7 version of this tutorial is available here.

If you want to perform this type of redirect with Apache as your web server, you should follow this tutorial instead: How to Redirect www to non-www with Apache on Ubuntu 14.04.


This tutorial assumes that you have superuser privileges, i.e. sudo or root, on the server that is running Nginx. If you don’t already have that set up, follow this tutorial: Initial Server Setup on Ubuntu 14.04.

It is assumed that you have Nginx installed. If you do not already have this set up, there are several tutorials on the subject under the Nginx tag.

You must be able to add records to the DNS that is managing your domain. If you do not already have a domain, you may purchase one from a domain registrar, and manage it with the registrar’s DNS or DigitalOcean’s DNS. In this tutorial, we will use the DigitalOcean DNS to create the necessary records.

Let’s get started by configuring your DNS records.

Configure DNS Records

In order to set up the desired redirect, to or vice versa, you must have an A record for each name.

Open whatever you use to manage your DNS. For our example, we’ll use the DigitalOcean DNS.

If a domain (also known as a zone) record does not already exist, create one now. The hostname should be your domain, e.g., and the IP address should be set to the public IP address of your Nginx server. This will automatically create an A record that points your domain to the IP address that you specified. If you are using another system to manage your domain, you may need to add this manually.

Next, add another A record with “www” as the hostname (or “” if the partial subdomain doesn’t work), and specify the same IP address.

When you have created both records, it should look something like this:

Required A records

Note: This will also work with CNAME records, as long as the canonical name’s A record refers to the IP address of your Nginx web server.

Now your server should be accessible via the www and non-www domain, but we still need to set up the redirect. We’ll do that now. Continue reading Redirect www to Non-www with Nginx on Ubuntu 14.04

Initial Server Setup with Debian 8


When you first create a new Debian 8 server, there are a few configuration steps that you should take early on as part of the basic setup. This will increase the security and usability of your server and will give you a solid foundation for subsequent actions.

Step One — Root Login

To log into your server, you will need to know your server’s public IP address and the password for the “root” user’s account. If you have not already logged into your server, you may want to follow the first tutorial in this series, How to Connect to Your Droplet with SSH, which covers this process in detail.

If you are not already connected to your server, go ahead and log in as the root user using the following command (substitute the highlighted word with your server’s public IP address):

  • ssh root@SERVER_IP_ADDRESS

Complete the login process by accepting the warning about host authenticity, if it appears, then providing your root authentication (password or private key). If it is your first time logging into the server, with a password, you will also be prompted to change the root password.

About Root

The root user is the administrative user in a Linux environment that has very broad privileges. Because of the heightened privileges of the root account, you are actually discouraged from using it on a regular basis. This is because part of the power inherent with the root account is the ability to make very destructive changes, even by accident.

The next step is to set up an alternative user account with a reduced scope of influence for day-to-day work. We’ll teach you how to gain increased privileges during the times when you need them.

Step Two — Create a New User

Once you are logged in as root, we’re prepared to add the new user account that we will use to log in from now on.

This example creates a new user called “demo”, but you should replace it with a user name that you like:

  • adduser demo

You will be asked a few questions, starting with the account password.

Enter a strong password and, optionally, fill in any of the additional information if you would like. This is not required and you can just hit “ENTER” in any field you wish to skip.

Step Three — Root Privileges

Now, we have a new user account with regular account privileges. However, we may sometimes need to do administrative tasks.

To avoid having to log out of our normal user and log back in as the root account, we can set up what is known as “super user” or root privileges for our normal account. This will allow our normal user to run commands with administrative privileges by putting the word sudo before each command.

Install Sudo

Debian 8 doesn’t come with sudo installed, so let’s install it with apt-get.

First, update the apt package index:

  • apt-get update

Then use this command to install sudo:

  • apt-get install sudo

Now you are able to use the sudo and visudo commands.

Grant Sudo Privileges

To add these privileges to our new user, we need to add the new user to the “sudo” group. By default, on Debian 8, users who belong to the “sudo” group are allowed to use the sudo command.

As root, run this command to add your new user to the sudo group (substitute the highlighted word with your new user):

  • usermod -a -G sudo demo

Now your user can run commands with super user privileges! For more information about how this works, check out this sudoers tutorial.

The next step in securing your server is to set up public key authentication for your new user. Setting this up will increase the security of your server by requiring a private SSH key to log in.

Generate a Key Pair

If you do not already have an SSH key pair, which consists of a public and private key, you need to generate one. If you already have a key that you want to use, skip to the Copy the Public Key step.

To generate a new key pair, enter the following command at the terminal of your local machine (ie. your computer):

  • ssh-keygen

Assuming your local user is called “localuser”, you will see output that looks like the following:

ssh-keygen output
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/localuser/.ssh/id_rsa):

Hit return to accept this file name and path (or enter a new name).

Next, you will be prompted for a passphrase to secure the key with. You may either enter a passphrase or leave the passphrase blank.

Note: If you leave the passphrase blank, you will be able to use the private key for authentication without entering a passphrase. If you enter a passphrase, you will need both the private key and the passphrase to log in. Securing your keys with passphrases is more secure, but both methods have their uses and are more secure than basic password authentication.

This generates a private key, id_rsa, and a public key,, in the .ssh directory of the localuser‘s home directory. Remember that the private key should not be shared with anyone who should not have access to your servers!

Copy the Public Key

After generating an SSH key pair, you will want to copy your public key to your new server. We will cover two easy ways to do this.

Option 1: Use ssh-copy-id

If your local machine has the ssh-copy-id script installed, you can use it to install your public key to any user that you have login credentials for.

Run the ssh-copy-id script by specifying the user and IP address of the server that you want to install the key on, like this:

  • ssh-copy-id demo@SERVER_IP_ADDRESS

After providing your password at the prompt, your public key will be added to the remote user’s .ssh/authorized_keys file. The corresponding private key can now be used to log into the server.

Option 2: Manually Install the Key

Assuming you generated an SSH key pair using the previous step, use the following command at the terminal of your local machine to print your public key (

  • cat ~/.ssh/

This should print your public SSH key, which should look something like the following: contents
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDBGTO0tsVejssuaYR5R3Y/i73SppJAhme1dH7W2c47d4gOqB4izP0+fRLfvbz/tnXFz4iOP/H6eCV05hqUhF+KYRxt9Y8tVMrpDZR2l75o6+xSbUOMu6xN+uVF0T9XzKcxmzTmnV7Na5up3QM3DoSRYX/EP3utr2+zAqpJIfKPLdA74w7g56oYWI9blpnpzxkEd3edVJOivUkpZ4JoenWManvIaSdMTJXMy3MtlQhva+j9CgguyVbUkdzK9KKEuah+pFZvaugtebsU+bllPTB0nlXGIJk98Ie9ZtxuY3nCKneB+KjKiXrAvXUPCI9mWkYS/1rggpFmu3HbXBnWSUdf [email protected]

Select the public key, and copy it to your clipboard.

Add Public Key to New Remote User

To enable the use of SSH key to authenticate as the new remote user, you must add the public key to a special file in the user’s home directory.

On the server, as the root user, enter the following command to switch to the new user (substitute your own user name):

  • su – demo

Now you will be in your new user’s home directory.

Create a new directory called .ssh and restrict its permissions with the following commands:

  • mkdir .ssh
  • chmod 700 .ssh

Now open a file in .ssh called authorized_keys with a text editor. We will use nano to edit the file:

  • nano .ssh/authorized_keys

Now insert your public key (which should be in your clipboard) by pasting it into the editor.

Hit CTRL-X to exit the file, then Y to save the changes that you made, then ENTER to confirm the file name.

Now restrict the permissions of the authorized_keys file with this command:

  • chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys

Type this command once to return to the root user:

  • exit

Now you may SSH login as your new user, using the private key as authentication.

To read more about how key authentication works, read this tutorial: How To Configure SSH Key-Based Authentication on a Linux Server.

Step Five — Configure SSH

Now that we have our new account, we can secure our server a little bit by modifying its SSH daemon configuration (the program that allows us to log in remotely) to disallow remote SSH access to the root account.

Begin by opening the configuration file with your text editor as root:

  • nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Here, we have the option to disable root login through SSH. This is generally a more secure setting since we can now access our server through our normal user account and escalate privileges when necessary.

To disable remote root logins, we need to find the line that looks like this:

/etc/ssh/sshd_config (before)
#PermitRootLogin yes

You can modify this line to “no” like this if you want to disable root login:

/etc/ssh/sshd_config (after)
PermitRootLogin no

Disabling remote root login is highly recommended on every server!

When you are finished making your changes, save and close the file using the method we went over earlier (CTRL-X, then Y, then ENTER).

Reload SSH

Now that we have made our changes, we need to restart the SSH service so that it will use our new configuration.

Type this to restart SSH:

  • systemctl restart ssh

Now, before we log out of the server, we should test our new configuration. We do not want to disconnect until we can confirm that new connections can be established successfully.

Open a new terminal window. In the new window, we need to begin a new connection to our server. This time, instead of using the root account, we want to use the new account that we created.

  • ssh demo@SERVER_IP_ADDRESS

You will be prompted for the new user’s password that you configured. After that, you will be logged in as your new user.

Remember, if you need to run a command with root privileges, type “sudo” before it like this:

  • sudo command_to_run

If all is well, you can exit your sessions by typing:

  • exit

Where To Go From Here?

At this point, you have a solid foundation for your Debian 8 server. You can install any of the software you need on your server now.


Building for Production: Web Applications — Centralized Logging

Building for Production: Web Applications — Centralized Logging


We’re finally ready to set up centralized logging for our production application setup. Centralized logging is a great way to gather and visualize the logs of your servers. Generally, setting up an elaborate logging system is not as important as having solid backups and monitoring set up, but it can be very useful when trying to identify trends or problems with your application.

Centralized Logging Diagram

In this tutorial, we will set up an ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana), and configure the servers that comprise our application to send their relevant logs to the logging server. We will also set up Logstash filters that will parse and structure our logs which will allow us to easily search and filter them, and use them in Kibana visualizations.


If you want to access your logging dashboard via a domain name, create an A Record under your domain, like “”, that points to your logging server’s public IP address. Alternatively, you can access the monitoring dashboard via the public IP address. It is advisable that you set up the logging web server to use HTTPS, and limit access to it by placing it behind a VPN.

Install ELK on Logging Server

Set up ELK on your logging server by following this tutorial: How To Install Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana 4 on Ubuntu 14.04.

If you are using a private DNS for name resolution, be sure to follow Option 2 in the Generate SSL Certificates section.

Stop when you reach the Set Up Logstash Forwarder section.

Set Up Logstash Forwarder on Clients

Set up Logstash Forwarder, a log shipper, on your client servers, i.e. db1, app1, app2, and lb1, by following the Set Up Logstash Forwarder section, of the ELK tutorial.

When you are finished, you should be able to log into Kibana via the logging server’s public network address, and view the syslogs of each of your servers. Continue reading Building for Production: Web Applications — Centralized Logging

Building for Production: Web Applications — Monitoring


Now that we have our production application server setup, a recovery plan, and backups, let’s look into adding monitoring to improve our awareness of the state of our servers and services. Monitoring software, such as Nagios, Icinga, and Zabbix, enables you to create dashboards and alerts that will show you which components of your application setup need attention. The goal of this is to help you detect issues with your setup, and start fixing them, before your users encounter them.

Monitoring diagram

In this tutorial, we will set up Nagios 4 to as the monitoring software, and install the NRPE agent on the servers that comprise our application.

For each server in our setup, we will set up monitoring to check if the server is up and if its primary process (i.e. apache, mysql, or haproxy) is running. While this monitoring guide isn’t comprehensive—you will probably want to set up additional checks that we won’t cover here—it is a great place to start.


If you want to access your logging dashboard via a domain name, create an A Record under your domain, like “”, that points to your monitoring server’s public IP address. Alternatively, you can access the monitoring dashboard via the public IP address. It is advisable that you set up the monitoring web server to use HTTPS, and limit access to it by placing it behind a VPN.

Install Nagios on Monitoring Server

Set up Nagios on your monitoring server by following this tutorial: How To Install Nagios 4 and Monitor Your Servers on Ubuntu 14.04. If you prefer, you may also use Icinga, which is a fork of Nagios.

Stop when you reach the Monitor an Ubuntu Host with NRPE section.

Continue reading Building for Production: Web Applications — Monitoring

Building for Production: Web Applications — Backups

Building for Production: Web Applications — Backups


After coming up with a recovery plan for the various components of your application, you should set up the backup system that is required to support it. This tutorial will focus on using Bacula as a backups solution. The benefits of using a full-fledged backup system, such as Bacula, is that it gives you full control over what you back up and restore at the individual file level, and you can schedule backups and restores according to what is best for you.

Backup Diagram

Solutions such as DigitalOcean Droplet Backups (snapshot backups of your entire Droplet) are easy to set up and may be sufficient for your needs, if you only require weekly backups. If you opt for DigitalOcean Backups, be sure to set up hot backups of your database by following the Create Hot Backups of Your Database section.

In this part of the tutorial, we will set up a Bacula to maintain daily backups of the required backups of the servers that comprise your application setup (db1, app1, app2, and lb1), defined previously in our recovery plan—essentially, this is a tutorial that shows you how to use Bacula to create backups of a LAMP stack. We will also use Percona XtraBackup to create hot backups of your MySQL database. Lastly, we will use rsync to create a copy of your backups, on a server in a remote data center. This will add two servers to your setup: backups and remotebackups (located in a separate data center).

Let’s get started. Continue reading Building for Production: Web Applications — Backups

Building for Production: Web Applications — Recovery Planning

Building for Production: Web Applications — Recovery Planning


Now that we have our example application setup, we should devise a recovery plan. A recovery plan is a set of documented procedures to recover from potential failures or administration errors within your server setup. Creating a recovery plan will also help you identify the essential components and data of your application server setup.

A very basic recovery plan for a server failure could consist of the list of steps that you took to perform your initial server deployment, with extra procedures for restoring application data from backups. A better recovery plan might, in addition to good documentation, leverage deployment scripts and configuration management tools, such as Ansible, Chef, or Puppet, to help automate and quicken the recovery process.

Recovery Plan Diagram

In this part of the tutorial, we will demonstrate how to create a basic recovery plan for the example WordPress application that we set up. Your needs will probably differ, but this should help you get started with devising a recovery plan of your own.

Recovery Plan Requirements

Our basic requirements are that we are able to recover from the loss of any server in the setup, and restore the application functionality and data (up to a reasonable point in time). To fulfill this goal, we will create an inventory of each server, determine which data needs to be backed up, and write a recovery plan based on our available assets. Of course, if any of these recovery plans are executed, the application should be tested to verify that it was restored properly. Continue reading Building for Production: Web Applications — Recovery Planning