Install Numix 2.0 GTK & Icon theme in Ubuntu 13.10, 14.04

Numix is a modern flat theme with a combination of light and dark elements. It supports Gnome, Unity, XFCE and Openbox.

This simple tutorials shows how to install Numix GTK as well as Numix icons on Ubuntu 13.10 Saucy, Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty, Ubuntu 13.04 Raring, Ubuntu 12.04 Precise and Linux Mint.

First take a look at screenshots:

numix gtk Ubuntu 13.10 Unity

numix icons ubuntu 13.10 unity

numix gtk & icons linux mint

numix icons & gtk xfce4

numix gtk & icons gnome shell

numix gtk & icons gnome shell

Install Numix GTK & Icons via PPA:

Numix project gets a launchpad PPA to make it easy to install Numix GTK, icons, wallpaper in Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 13.10, Ubuntu 13.04, Ubuntu 12.10, Ubuntu 12.04 and their derivatives.

To get started, press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open terminal. When it opens, run commands below one by one:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:numix/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install numix-gtk-theme numix-icon-theme numix-wallpaper-saucy

Once installed, use Gnome Tweak Tool, Unity Tweak Tool or other system tools to apply Numix theme and icons.

Install KDE KMPlayer in Ubuntu

KDE has an open source video player named KMPlayer (not to be confused with Pandora KMPlayer). KMPlayer is actually a GUI for MPlayer. So, installing KMPLayer will also install MPlayer and many KDE dependencies. KMPlayer is available in Ubuntu official repository. Here how to install it.

Install Via Terminal


  1. sudo apt-get install kmplayer

This will download approximately 86 MB of packages and use 230 MB space after install.


Install via GUI

Open Ubuntu Software Center and search for KMPlayer then press install button.


Open KMPlayer

You can right-click any video file then choose open with KMPlayer. Or you can open KMPlayer first from menu.

Easy Proxy Switching in Chrome and Firefox (For SSH Tunneling or Else)

After trying SSH Tunneling, probably you feel it is painful to change proxy settings manually every time. And maybe you have another proxy so you need a quick proxy changer. There are extensions to help us change the proxy settings by just a click. It is SwitchySharp for Chrome and Proxy Selector on Firefox. Of course, you may create different proxy configurations as many as possible if you have more than one. I will show you how to install and use it.



  1. Open Firefox Add-ons page (about:addons).
  2. Search for “proxy selector”.
  3. Press install button. You need internet connection for it.
  4. After installing, restart your Firefox.
  5. When your Firefox is up again, you get a new icon (proxy selector) on the toolbar. Open it > Manage Proxies.
  6. Fill the blanks with your proxy configuration. Name it yourself (e.g. SSH). To set a SSH Tunnel SOCKS Proxy, see our previous article.
  7. To use a proxy (or SSH Tunnel SOCKS), click the icon and select. To disable a proxy, just click it and set to No Proxy.


If you are using SSH Tunnel SOCKS proxy, then to test whether the SSH Tunnel works or not, just type what is my ip on Google.



  1. Go to this official page or search switchysharp chrome on Google.
  2. Install that SwitchySharp extension. Yes, you must use Google Chrome or Chromium and are not in incognito mode.
  3. After installing, go to the SwitchySharp Options and fill your proxy settings. Name it as a ew profile. To set SSH Tunnel SOCKS proxy, see our previous article.
  4. To use a proxy, click on the SwitchySharp (earth icon) button > click your proxy name. To disable your current proxy, click Direct Connection.



Change Keyboard Layout into Arabic with Terminal Commands in Linux

We can easily change our keyboard layout in Linux by Terminal commands. It is easier and faster at many times compared to GUI. You can change layout by just up or down arrow key. Remember, many cases happened when people change their layouts and they can’t revert them back. Avoid it by number 1 step below.

1. Set Default Layout

Yes, you must do command for default layout first (US) or you will find difficulty to revert the setting into default again.

setxkbmap  -layout us


2. Set Arabic Layout

We have ‘parent language’ (Arabic) and also ‘children language’ as variant/dialect (Buckwalter etc.).

setxkbmap -layout ara

To set Arabic with Buckwalter variant, use this command:

setxkbmap -layout ara -variant buckwalter

Note: Buckwalter is an Arabic variant which has similar result with Multikey program on Windows while you may type A for ALIF, B for BA’, T for Ta’ (phonetically associated keys), and so on. Buckwalter variant helps us to write Arabic easily without any additional tool.

3. Revert Layout to Default

To revert your layout into default, call previous command. That’s why you should do the first command before. Use up arrow key on Terminal so you can call the previous commands and choose

Beginner Blankon Manokwari Desktop Usage Guide

Manokwari is a desktop environment from Blankon Linux. Manokwari is a lightweight desktop with unique user interface. It is suitable for old computers. This article will tell you how to use Manokwari for daily purpose. I use Blankon 9 Suroboyo for this article.


  1. Menu.
  2. Taskbar.
  3. Desktop shortcut area.
  4. System tray.


  1. Manokwari has GNOME 3 basic layout. You find only top panel (contains menu, taskbar, and system tray).
  2. Manokwari has its own desktop shortcut system, very different with Windows.
  3. Manokwari has its own menu, very different with Windows even with GNOME 3 itself.

Launch Apps

To launch an app on Manokwari, open menu > select one category > select one app. Manokwari has no search bar.

Create Shortcut

To create a shortcut, open menu > select one category > right-click one app > Add to Desktop. A new shortcut will appear on the bottom special panel. That is a panel for shortcuts. That is Manokwari desktop shortcut system.

Delete Shortcut

To delete a shortcut in Manokwari, you can’t simply just right-click > Delete it. you should drag one icon into a trash icon on top of it.

Using Taskbar

Manokwari is a unique desktop. Manokwari taskbar, if you hover your cursor over a running app, a new black horizontal panel will appear. That black panel is tooltip. It is because Manokwari taskbar shows only the icons. The black panel helps you to distinguish between icons.


To switch between running apps, press Alt+Tab.

Multiple Desktop

Manokwari has multiple desktop since the beginning. You have 4 desktops by default. To switch between desktop, use workspace switcher on the top-right of screen.

Work With Workspace

To move a window into another workspace, right-click on its icon on the taskbar > Move to Another Workspace > select number.

System Tray

Manokwari and GNOME has similar system tray. It consists of some items. From left to right:

  1. Keyboard input controller (SCIM). Manokwari has it to switch between Indonesian regional input systems.
  2. Network manager. You connect to a network by this.
  3. Sound indicator. You control sound volume by this.
  4. Battery indicator. If you are using laptop, it will represent your battery power.
  5. Time and calendar.
  6. Workspace switcher. If you want to switch between desktops.


Qpdfview, PDF Multitabbing Viewer for Linux

Are you looking for multitab PDF viewer in Linux? Probably you want an alternative for Foxit Reader. Then use Qpdfview. It supports multitabbing. Also, it supports zooming, continuous view, fullscreen, properties viewing, sidebar, and so on. Fortunately, Qpdfview is available on Ubuntu official repository and many other distro repositories. Personally, I’ve used Qpdfview on my KDE as default PDF viewer because I always open many PDF files at once. I hope Qpdfview is useful for you too.


Install on Ubuntu


sudo apt-get install qpdfview

If you dislike to command, use Ubuntu Software Center instead.

Disable Ubuntu Update Notification

For several users, it is annoying to see system update notification every day. You may disable it easily. Warning, update is important for security matters. You will do this with your own risk.


  1. Open Ubuntu menu.
  2. Search for Software & Updates.
  3. Open Updates tab.
  4. Change into Never for Automatically check for updates entry.

This configuration will forbid the system to check any update available. So, it disables update notification.
