Tag Archives: Nginx FreeBSD

How To Install WordPress with Nginx on a FreeBSD 10.1 Server


WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) and blogging platform in the world. Using WordPress, you can quickly configure and customize your website, allowing you to add content and tweak the visual elements easily.

In this guide, we will be installing WordPress on a FreeBSD 10.1 machine using Nginx to serve our content. Nginx is a powerful web server that is efficient at handling a large number of concurrent connections. We will leverage this as the base for the WordPress installation we will be setting up in this guide.

Prerequisites and Goals

In order to complete this guide, there are some preliminary steps that should be taken in order to get your server ready.

We will be adding the components in this guide to a configured FEMP (FreeBSD, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP) stack. You can learn how to set up Nginx, MySQL, and PHP on your FreeBSD 10.1 server with our guide here here.

Once you have Nginx, MySQL, and PHP installed and configured on your server, you can continue on with this guide. Our goal in this guide is to install the latest version of WordPress on our FreeBSD server.

There is an existing WordPress package that is installable through FreeBSD’s pkg command, but it currently relies on PHP version 5.4, which will only be receiving security updates from now on. Its total end of life will be in September of 2015.

To ensure that our site is built on a base that will receive support for a long while, we will be downloading and installing the latest version of WordPress from the project’s site and using PHP version 5.6 to process the dynamic content. Continue reading How To Install WordPress with Nginx on a FreeBSD 10.1 Server